
Way to be a piece of shit, champ! Hope she cheats on you and you get a STD from it. Karma is a bitch.

Lets just turn a blind eye to everything! That fixes it!

Asking girls as young as 16 their bust size? Riiiight. Totally normal to ask your applicants.

Did you skip the part about asking 16 year old girls their bust size??

around 40~ hours or so. Give or take 5 to 10 hours depending on how much you explore. With all the side quests, I’d say closer to 100 hours.

are you 70? Because I can ASSURE you, most average-aged people can in fact, go at least 10 hours without shitting. JFC

This looks like shit. The animation style is absolutely horrible.

uh, no. this will be awesome. and half of the games focus a lot on story, true, but the other half are more gameplay then anything

Uh chronologically Metal Gear is the first??

Its a jrpg. Also you don’t unlock the full battle system for awhile

Congrats on dumbest comment of the day.

Just because you didn’t enjoy it, doesn’t mean its a bad game. It was disappointing at first. But they had to have done something right to build a gigantic fanbase.

Rise of iron was the last one...

What the hell are you bitching about?? Jesus Christ, he’s saying you never have to use the store after its downloaded, just use the Xbox app which is really good


...what’s so funny about it??

Let us cling together is one of my favorite games ever! The gameplay and story are by far my favorite out of any SRPG. More then FF tactics, and disgaea.

The developers said from the get go they were going to fix that in the final release.

Since darksiders 1? ...

I disagree, that honor goes to halo 4.