
You sound really intelligent, random woke burner account. Definitely going to take what you have to say, seriously 🥴

Ff7 alone is nearly worth it imo. I’m more of a Xbox guy but the ps4 is worth it for the exclusives. 

Ff7 alone is nearly worth it imo. I’m more of a Xbox guy but the ps4 is worth it for the exclusives. 

Uh people can be asymptomatic and still have it, but go off, I guess...

You have to beat it on normal to unlock hard. 

Just another reason to absolutely LOATHE shitty ass Kpop.... as if I needed another reason. Annoying bastards. 

Those ghosts are supposedly the new seph. Clones that you run into a lot in the original. 

With what game?

whats It cost you to download? Data?

Get a life. 

Maybe you can’t tell the difference because you like gross soda like Pepsi and Mountain Dew?

They are not going to cut anything down. 

I actually watched this for my first time with my gf a week ago 

Turtlerock? Hard pass. 

Yes as a more laid back form

I think the true question, Jason, is if Morrison is named after Jim, ala Bob Dylan. 

Tell that to the company that copyrighted mini games during loading screens

Hell just look at devil may cry. 

Didn’t this just re release

I never noticed that. Gotta check it out after work. 

Uh? Tiles are just short cuts. So hard to figure out, right?