
.....KH makes the lore of MGS look like a childrens’ book.  Loved the first game, then it just went so far down the rabbit hole i could deal with it.

.....KH makes the lore of MGS look like a childrens’ book.  Loved the first game, then it just went so far down the

Even if that were true, as soon as people found out it was a hoax, they went back to not caring, so it probably accomplished nothing.

Thousands are dying *daily.*

When I realized that it was April Fool’s Day today, like probably many others, I thought that hopefully everyone will have the good sense of not making COVID-19 pranks.

It’s funny, I was just peppering in references to my favourite grim Westerns (in order, John Wayne’s The Searchers, Eastwood’s Unforgiven, Deadwood, and Cormac McCarthy’s novel Blood Meridian) and I forgot one of my most recent faves too, Westworld. There’s definitely a whole angle to take with us being voyeurs to a

Fuck you! How fucking DARE YOU blame the victims for their victimization. Children CANNOT CONSENT, and they are not to blame for any of this.

But the game doesn’t do that.


The game takes place 200 years before this. And do you know that Venice and Bohemia are pretty far apart in that day and age?

I remember this being a thing people did way back in the day on the GameFAQs message board. I spent like five hours at it and then decided to rethink my life.

There are incredible feats of gaming that amaze and amuse.
And then there’s dumb stuff like this.

Wait a minute! Don’t you want to have a janky and incredibly uneven playing experience by playing the games in canon chronological order?!

People can be punished and commended separately. Roman Polanski can be executed for being a terrible horrible person, while also being praised for creating a good movie. You don’t have to take the average, or disregard one in favor of the other.

Cry us a river. Some of us enjoy the game and want articles no matter how you zegota feel about a man.

Or you could just enjoy things and not be so sensitive.

Take this crap back to Jez, the internet outrage jackoff circle misses you.

Disagreeing with your political opinions =/= raping a child

Free speech is free speech. Die in a hole.

If you are going to go with a film analogy, then at least use some like Mel Gibson. And in that case, I hope you do not read the AV Club, because they have covered news coverage and reviews for Mel’s films.

Ignorance is bliss.