
That’s a goal in elite, and so far elite has been cranking out features all the time leading up to it when star citizen is still so far behind.

Hell no. It was great.

This can not match up with most consoles out there these days, let alone going foward...

Nostalgia is talking for you. They aged horribly

Hahahaha, like the switch doesn’t? Just give it up dude. The switch is as powerful as a shield tablet. A Xbox one is much more powerful and your arguing makes you look foolish.

You know nothing bout technical power if your really trying to say the switch has the same power as a Xbox one. I can guarentee you the Xbox one would be able to at least play Zelda with better resolution and a better frame rate. Your comparison means nothing.

This is common fact in Washington. I’ve never heard of real beastiality here after the horse.

Lol hype nonsense? Somebody is butthurt.

Oh, blow it up someone else’s ass.

Yawn. Like Sony doesn’t have plenty of there own.

Oops, sorry!

Lol too bad the general consensus is that both banjo games are still great, real shitty design.

Banjo tooie was great. Borderline inexcusable? That’s a laugh.

Lol not even, you overreacting turd.

Your mentally retarded, you know that? Oh. Guess I’m a developer too! Stupid sack of shit.

Anytime somebody says a stupid ass fucking comment like this, they should be brought out back and shot like old yeller. Stupid ass. So he wasn’t bitching about the game, so he’s a employee? Go fuck yourself, loser.

Oh screw off. Sucked all the fun out? Yeah, whatever you say kid.

Oh, Shut up.

Sorry, I think I meant to respond to somebody else. Whoever was saying the price of the switch with a game is cheaper then then the other consoles. Whatever, I have a Xbox one, and I think the switch would be a great compliment.

Sorry, I think I meant to respond to somebody else. Whoever was saying the price of the switch with a game is cheaper then then the other consoles. Whatever, I have a Xbox one, and I think the switch would be a great compliment.