No, because it’s a fucking kids show. YOU grow up.
No, because it’s a fucking kids show. YOU grow up.
Except gamers don’t have a unhealthy fascination with a little kids show, but nice try.
I’llpre order. The stigma against pre ordering is dumb.
What do you mean by your last sentence?? I must have missed something in game.
No shit?! :0 awesome! It’s in good hands! :,)
Your not a edgy douche at all.
Because it’s a great system, Duh?What kind of f’ing question is that??
Xb1 has some great exclusives’s not that hard to understand. Daddy as in a term of endearment that some call there significant other. It’s gross as hell.
You have no idea what your talking about.
Something tells me you would find something negative to say even if MS decided to be pricks and deny this from even happening. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Yet if Sony did this, people would praise them. People are pathetic.
...There was nothing about an affair in the original.
Jesus Christ, somebody tell this guy to get over 2014...
did you even read the article? plus the new 3ds is cheap as hell. and they should make plenty more just for the new 3ds. cuz screw entitled people that think there 4 to 6 year old systems should hold back the capability for others.
This company has provided me thousands of hours of fun gameplay, something I can’t say from Sony of Nintendo. And my comment wasn’t nuttier at all. Your a fucking joke, grow up little kid.
Seriously, this comment astounds me. Everyone can have there own opinions. But your comment is just complete bullshit. You couldn’t recognize when a good game slaps you on your face obviously. How many fps games are like this remake? None. Ffs moron
Your Comment is awful. Next to nobody agrees with you, sorry not sorry. this game is far from generic, you dumb asshat.
It’s examples like what you said which makes me think uncharted is a little overrated. It’s a fun game, but all those people saying best game ever and stuff...yeah, just a linear version of Tomb raider.
Totally. It’s not like they have a console system that they support and are going to announce any games for it at E3.