
Except this game doesn’t take place during alternate history, so your wrong.

Oh boo fucking who. Battlefield 4 was the biggest and had most content, that was just fine on consoles and PC, you drama queen.

What game were you playing? Sure witcher 3 was buggy when it came out, but big F’ing deal. It’s literally one of the most sprawling role playing game ever. Also the control scheme wasn’t that bad, it just took some time to get used too. Jesus, did you try this game for 2 minutes, then turn it off?

Halo is by far the most fun MP game ever if your into mp.

Halo 5 easily has some of the best multi-player ever, and quantum break was a really fun new idea. Don’t be such a pompous ass. I’ll agree there’s no war, because it’s all in dumb fanboys heads.

Your not cheap at all.

I fail to see any of your points. You lost me when you said blood borne was a mess. It had its issues but they were technical issues that have been fixed forever now. Totally worse then master races glitch/hack fests

Not really.the pack in the beginning aren’t a challenge even in the beginning


And that’s such a horrible reason, because why?

Except for the fact there are 5 times more stuff to do then destiny, numb nuts.

Your not a thing

Division doesn’t have anything on destiny TO YOU. To most others, the division is much better. Well take the open world and mechanics of division, over the same small, shit maps of destiny.

Yeah, if your a moron who doesn’t know how to use your map and know how to fast travel. Don’t blame the game for you being a idiot. Yeah, the game sucks. that’s why it’s ubisofts number one new I.P. idiot. You use this incredible thing called a “map”, it shows every encounter going on, and there’s 3 or 5 of them in

Whythe Fuck not? We should absolutely preserve what little is left after asshole humans destroyed most of there habitat. The Fuck is wrong with you?

So we should just let all the animals go extinct? Your a asshole.

LOL. You are far from a genius, pal.

Your not as smart as you think, and the only imbecile that should be removed from the world is you, you jackass.

Quantum break isn’t a steaming pile, you dumb asshat.

Who cares? Unless it’s a horror game maybe.