“There are some people on my Facebook that like to equate transgendered with transracial. No. Just nope”
“There are some people on my Facebook that like to equate transgendered with transracial. No. Just nope”
There have been lots of studies showing how porn negatively effects men. I can’t imagine it being good for women. I’ll look more into it.
Porn is a business.
Lmao. Pornography is a very lucrative business.
“affluent cisgendered white women”
Porn is a business. I think you’re just really-anti critical thinking.
You said the majority of the time you’re the submissive. This seems to be the case in the vast majority of BDSM relationships.
That’s... literally not the argument anti-abortion people make ever.... They care about the individual fetus. Why is everyone in this discussion trying to compare not liking rape porn (a really fucking sensible opinion) to like, homophobia and not anti-abortion? Y’all are nuts.
This is so fucked up and everything that’s wrong with liberal feminism in its current state. Shit doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are perpetuating harmful norms and INSTITUTIONAL SEXISM by doing this. You know INSTITUTIONAL SEXISM??? That thing feminism is supposed to be fighting? Ever heard of it?
As far as I’m aware there is not a worldwide problem with men and male children being forced into the ring to fight, sometimes to the death. Boxing doesn’t play on and reinforce inequality. There is exactly this problem with women and children being made to submit to male sexual assault. Promoting male sexual violence…
I’m a woman, of course I have skin in this game. Every woman does. Because it’s women who bear the brunt of male sexual violence. And your choosy-choice bs normalizes and even celebrates it. But enjoy your orgasms.
“an inverse relationship between the prevalence of pornography and sexual assault”
“And really, it doesn’t actually matter how any one woman ‘came’ to such a thing...”
Whoop, there it is. ‘Who gives a shit about the abuse women suffer? Who gives a shit that there’s something about the society we live in that makes people think it’s HOT to degrade women? As long as we’re all having fun in the end ;)
Yeah they do need help. That’s what feminism was supposed to be for before it turned into a rape-apologizing pro gonzo porn fuckfest.
I will judge away. This is fucking rape we’re talking about and there’s people who make a mockery of it to the point where they love it so much they will ORGASM and you’re worried about their fucking feelings.
what the hell? feminist spaces use ‘triggers’ for everything these days but a literal depiction of rape is sooo different from rape that you think it’s ridiculous to compare the two?
Bugs are ‘icky.’ Normalizing sexual violence or getting off on degrading others is FUCKED UP. Emperor has no clothes, people. The problem is staring you all in the face but y’all are too busy prioritizing your orgasms.
“calling people gross for what they do in private and among consenting adults”
“...about to follow your sad way of thinking and assume that it’s because I’ve internalised female degradation and submissiveness.”
Men who get off on “pretending” to rape women MIGHT JUST get off on actually raping them! Wow who’da thunk it????