
BDSM literally IS violence against women.

Of course fantasies are just fantasies, but our fantasies and desires are shaped by the messages we internalize. Pornography is eroticizing violence against women and we wonder why women have rape fantasies? And we think this is okay?

Nobody’s saying a woman who has rape fantasies wants to be raped in reality. But a woman who has rape fantasies has internalized the messages we’re sending as a society that eroticize female degradation and submission. We should look critically at these messages and how they contribute to rape culture instead of

You’re comparing not liking gay people to not liking videos that eroticize rape. Seek therapy.

I want a nonviolent future and that requires building one where prostitution and pornography are eradicated. Educate yourself about the damage these institutions do to women in fucking REALITY.

What’s VERY FUCKING REAL is the fact that most sex workers suffer actual abuse and harm but you’re worried about the comment of some clown on the internet because you think THAT’S the REAAAL problem. Prostitution and porn IS oppression in fucking action.

Can we please stop it with using the ‘whorephobic’ and ‘kink shaming’ and other trendy nonsense words that do nothing to improve discourse and are just appropriating descriptions of behaviours that are actually damaging like homophobia

Celebrating sexual inequality and the eroticization of violence against women does conflict with feminist politics.

How the fuck is viewing videos simulating rape in order to get off, not an endorsement of rape? You go ahead and whine about “kink shaming” while sexual violence continues to be an epidemic, because it’s celebrated and normalized in the kind of videos James Deen starred in by people like you.

You’re not alone in your frustrations. Liberal feminism has gone kookoo bananas.

I have both stereotypically male and female characteristics. Everyone does. It’s called having a personality. I think it’s awesome that he dresses in “womens” clothing and is gender non-conforming, but I find it problematic that people then feel they have to “identify” out of their sex to feel liberated. It just

Hold me back from what? Threesomes seem like they’re fucking awkward and I have no interest in bringing more than one person into bed with me at a time. It has nothing to do with being insecure. It isn’t fun for me.

That doesn’t make you a piece of shit at all. It’s perfectly normal to prefer to be intimate with one person at a time.