
Pornography isn’t sex. It is the voyeuristic objectification of another/others for your personal enjoyment without the personal input of oneself.

What so you do when inmates say they identify as female? These guys have nothing but time. I know it sounds like a straw man, but I know it will happen.

So I know I’m going to be flamed here.

Isn’t being raped repeatedly something that happens to lots of men a lot in prison?

So, since this site is pre-dominantly occupied by raging feminists, that believe in equality, blah blah blah. Are you saying that you are perfectly OK with a man coming into the women’s bathroom to do his business? So if I was feeling like a woman today, I could just walk right in any women’s restroom out there, and

Why do people insist on making bathrooms gender segregated? They should be sex segregated. You have a dick? Guess what, you use the men's room. You have lady parts? Off to the women's restroom for you. Come back to me when you've had the proper surgery, then we'll talk. Until then, use the bathroom that corresponds to

Yeah, I mean, I get her point, and yes, plenty of people’s version of helping is “replace your actual life with my version of ‘better,’” but I can’t believe kidnapped/sold twelve year olds being passed around to hundreds of clients are feeling “empowered” by their lives.

There is a lot I can agree with here, on the subject of doing good and do-gooders. (And coincidently I have a cousin who’s worked with Engineers Without Borders in Malawi - he’s blogged about some of this.) But the part where “anti-traffickers” are all clueless do-gooders? No. Some of those anti-traffickers are people

I kind of hate her for killing that lady but that's just me.

A friend of a friend insists on being referred to as “ahumanperson”. I kid you not. Try working that into conversation... “Have you heard from Jennifer?” “Yeah, she...uh, I mean..ahumanperson called me last night.”Since that’s incredibly awkward and difficult to remember, we now just use ahumanperson’s name...Jennifer

Do you have any idea how hard it was to get adoption rights for gays because idiots on the right kept saying THIS was exactly what would happen? You have a sick form of Munchausen By Proxy, and rather than have your child start seeing a doctor I strongly suggest you and your partner do, first.

If David Bowie was born today “parents” and “therapists” would have declared him a girl because he liked dresses and makeup and pink. The same thing would have happened to Freddie Mercury. We have far more regressive attitudes now than we did in the 70's.

Gender is not a real thing.

Thank you. Slightly disturbed that the original writer equates preferring “girl” toys and dresses with being a girl. That’s not what makes a girl a girl, just as tonka trucks and overalls don’t make a boy a boy. Plenty of boys love dresses and barbies, plenty of girls love cars and mud. I’m hoping that if her child

I think he is using “average everyday sense [of consent]” to mean “said yes”. And people wonder why we need explicit discussion of what consent is and what it isn’t.

Porn isn’t inherently degrading but it’s really blind to claim that the mainstream porn industry isn’t hugely exploitative of women. The vast majority of people who occupy any kind of managerial or creative power in the industry are men and not counting indie/feminist porn, which occupies a tiny portion of porn

This might sound a bit second-wave of me to say, but I don’t feel hugely comfortable giving kudos to a company that benefits from the degradation of so many women just because they do a solid for this one woman.

Thats literally what I was thinking. Like isn’t this super mentally unhealthy? Like won’t a number of people do this hoping their former mate will come running back only to discover that they likely didn’t break up because of what they looked like? Thats just a recipe for depression and not moving on.

Who is actually calling her out for this?