
There is actually an interesting story about this plane. It was purchased by Thomas Kendall and turned into a luxury plane. He was in the process of taking his family on an around the world trip when they were attacked by Saudi Arabian Bedouins. The plane sustained a lot of damage from being fired upon and was unable

Seriously, she really needs to find a better photo. When the photographer told her to "Say cheese," it's like she decided to have a whole conversation about cheese instead. XD

This is by far one of the most inefficient blog post in while, but...even with the long load time for this HUGE image, I would prefer it be your profile picture instead of your current picture!

The worst part about this whole thing is that they just toss the shark back into the ocean after they cut the fin off. That is so far beyond cruel it can't even be properly described.

Its not... but what is awesome is when you look up Burnout (automotive) in the dictionary you see a picture of me.

Dude, how many times are you going to point out that you're on the Wikipedia page...

The gerbil.

I read the article, did you?

I would like if my Focus was RWD. Relatively simple, relatively lightweight, safe, very reliable, with 4 doors, RWD, and a 5 speed all for $18k. My car is great aside from being wrong wheel drive, autotragic, and not paid off yet. I'm also not a typical millenial.

Ecco! Si fissa per voi.

6 passenger?
VW...are you listening?

To back up Clemson's study, here's my 18 year-old mellinial son and his 6-passenger car that neither CUV nor SUV.

Hey, Millenials!

Ahoy hipsters! have I got the car for you.

Literally your car? Like if John Davis spit on the steering wheel, you could say “John Davis spit on my steering wheel.”?

Another reason why everyone should have dash cams!

i'm working on it, I will keep you in the loop man! i think it's a great idea too.

But how does it park on our test lot?

I will shoot and edit this, if people are willing to get onboard. I'm dead serious.

How about a truck show called "Granny gear"?

That might get misinterpreted as a car show featuring only Buick and Lincoln.