
I’ve had a lot of cars in a lot of colors. Purple, Hulk green*, forest green (twice), green & tan (twice)*, red (twice), red & white*, white (thrice), blue, 2-tone blue that I repainted to black & white, beige (twice)*, grey, silver. I think that’s all of them. Asterisks are what I currently own. This doesn’t include

I second Tropical Snow’s suggestion!

I’d like to invest in a land development with a backwards HOA; one that requires all tenants to have project cars, large trailes, ‘interesting’ cars, etc. I have a feeling it would have very high house values.

My thoughts exactly. These cars are hated way more than they should be; they’re right up there with station wagons and minivans. Everyone hates on them because it’s what the cool kids are doing, but anyone who’s honest with one will find they’re pretty awesome, and that’s the position Jalopnik should take.

This reminds me of an old joke, also involving experimentation with tape:

As an avid listener to British radio and watcher of BBC programming, I have to call that statement into question. While I’ve heard ‘whilst’ a few times, I’ve definitely heard ‘while’ the majority of the time.

The antiquated grammar is really something else. I had no idea there ever were silent cartoons, let alone old enough to utilize the word ‘whilst.’

They should open a cash-for-clunkers type of trade program, except make it TDI-for-clunkers. My vehicles all pollute a great deal more than these TDIs, use far more fuel, and (aside from my Escort) weigh more, causing more damage to the roads. I’d love to trade one of my cars straight across for a TDI, and have my car

The real vehicle will have that irritating trapezoid. Just look at how they ruined the Escape and Mustang to fit the trapezoid in there.

According to R&T, the top will come off, at least somewhat.

Exactly. These are safer than a motorcycle, which is the only way I would get comparable fuel mileage from a vehicle I could afford. Nobody who can afford to drive a safe car is going to choose a kei car. The tiny stuff is for those of us who have no better optons, and personally, I’d love to have that option over

I’ve rolled a motorcycle, been in wrecks where the car stays on all 4 tires, and been bucked off a horse. Of course, this is subjective, but for me, I was back in action as quickly in all 3 cases.

Whoah... that’s insidious. I guess the best situation is what I have; live in an area so rural that the county can’t afford the extra officers to snipe.

Fascinating. I know that in some states, officers are required to use their regular running & head lights any time they’re using the radar (anti-entrapment laws), but near me, we’re not blessed with such; they literally hide behind bushes and blind corners. I can’t imagine if they were required to run the emergency

Why is he driving with his lights on? Was this the world’s least exciting police chase, or do they just leave them on all all the time in Japan?

Here’s a puzzler: My Aerostar has a bizarre damage in about the ‘camry dent’ area, from before I purchased it. I’d love to know how it happened. It looks like a large mammal tried to claw its way into the back of the van; the ‘claw marks’ are 8" or so long, and ripped the whole corner of the bodywork open, leaving a

I just checked Delta’s prices, and they’re still absurdly expensive to any destination I would be interested in. Average fare was $600. Highest was $1100. Cheapest fare was $360/person round trip, on their 5-week calendar thing. That’s $1k for travel to go someplace I could drive to in 20 hours, and that would cost

Or, better yet, have a frosted cover that you can flip down. Then it looks the same as your plate, it’s not a false-ID felony, and flipping it up isn’t even all that noticeable. And, depending on where you are, it might not even be illegal.

Lame puns and odd branding aside, I kinda like the green trim on red. It’s different in a good way.