
Wow... this is hilarious. I love hats (the less common, the better), but I gotta laugh with you on some of these. #2 looks like Carmen SanDiego. #1 is just incredible.

Okay, maybe I’m missing something, but isn’t this totally illegal on multiple counts (solicitation of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, public intoxication, and probably others?)

Is Superman wearing a cape or a sleeveless trenchcoat?

Not a lot of 1999 2WD Superdutys have traction control. Not that I ever said anything to suggest it did. And regardless of total miles, 10k miles of towing is a lot more than 90%+ of the ordinary cars (and even pickups) on the road will ever do.

My comment wasn’t regarding longevity; that’s more to do with the quality of the vehicle in question. My comment was based on thousands of miles of towing experience I have, with both FWD and RWD vehicles. I could have also mentioned the time I was towing a heavy trailer with my RWD Superduty, and nearly wound up in

I tow a 22' camper with my wife’s Escape (First Gen, 4,200lb towing capacity), and it works quite well. I defintiely prefer towing with my F-250, but the car-based Escape handles it well. I have no doubt at all that the Ridgeline is more than capable of towing with a FWD platform.

Eh, I personally think it’s pretty awesome. The fact that he’s taking an ‘action’ pose sets him far better than most statues. The mix of modern and classical styles is also pretty cool. Fantastic execution all-round.

It’s incredible how frequently I lose trailer blocks. I think there’s a raccoon nearby who’s building a wood-block house or something.

On a snowmobile, you slide over on your saddle to keep balance. Stock snowmobiles have no way to ‘lean’ either, yet they can safely travel (and turn) at incredibly high speeds. Snowmobiles are a ton of fun, and nothing like a trike; two fronts and a front engine is very different from two rears with an engine below

As someone in the video said, everyone should’ve stood on the bumper. I have to use that method somewhat frequently, as I have a trailer with a jack that doesn’t lift high enough to clear the top of my hitch ball.

I’m really shocked at how well the Yaris held up. It collided with a solid wall and rolled at (what appears to be) 50mph or more. Yet, in spite of that, the car looks like a few I see driving around town; just throw a bungie unto the front to hold the hood closed, and you’re golden.

The speed limits on dirt/gravel roads in Wyoming & South Dakota range from 50-65. I’m sure it’s the same elsewhere.

Except the Geo Tracker is a rebadged Suzuki Sidekick, which was the direct successor to the Samurai. It was body-on-frame, and makes a fantastic off-roader. As a former Jeep owner, I prefer my Sidekick for offroading. And mine’s only 2WD.

More like the equivalent of a CUV — the Honda CR-V or Buick Enclave. The Suzuki 4x4s were awesome.

Settling out of court doesn’t set a legal precident. That’s why big businesses love to do it.

Here in the Black Hills, our Junebugs look just like that. They’re big, grumpy, and they hiss at you if you try to shoe them away. I’m glad I’ve never hit one while driving; in all seriousness, I think they’d crack the windshield.

I knew that didn’t sound right.

This would be significantly more useful if it were flipped around; how to make other people stop being hateful towards you. Some people, doesn’t matter how much you try to be nice to them, they hate you on principle. And they usually live next door.

haha anything but! When I was a kid, we were homeless, so my parents bought an older RV to live in. Needing a phone for work, my parents bought one of those for a couple hundred bucks. I remember it was a “use only in emergencies and for dad’s work” phone. It came with an allowance of 200 minutes, and you’re right

Isn’t that a cop, standing by the driver’s open window, talking with her?