
Man, autocorrect + Android + Kinja = total gibberish. I promise I make more sense in person.

Or how it was used against me, compulsing us to enroll our 9-month-old in preschool because we couldn’t prove our religious forbade it. It’s a terrible use of law, but it’s what we’re stuck with, in part, because of people like the FSMers claiming things as beliefs that really aren’t.

Actually, the kids killing other kids is exactly why I used it as a comparison; they apparently had convinced themselved it was real, even though nobody tried to convince them, and there was no evidence to make them believe. People, as a group, are stupid and gullible to the point of insanity. I’m sure there are or

Oh, I absolutely agree. Just the same, that’s the conclusion the legal system in at least some of the US states has drawn.

Seriously? All my life I’ve believed a lie!?

The difference is whether or not the adherent actually believes it themselves. FSM was created entirely for the purpose of mocking other religions, which means the likelihood of an actual believer is about on par with an actual believer in the slender man.The issue with that, however, lies in how tooo legally define a

The green Escort Cosworth. Because RWD ‘Scort with a Cosworth engine. And who doesn’t love a double wing?

Please, please, please, please tell me he’s running for President of London, and that I have nothing to worry about here in the states. Maybe it’s all just been a big miscommunication. Heck, maybe I’m the only person who thought he was running for president of the USA.

That was my exact thought upon reading this article. Hmm, maybe I should build one, just for the irony.

As a fan of all things ragtop, I actually kinda like this. My parents used to drive an RL, so I can understand the appeal of making one into a modern JDM re-imagining of a ‘59 DeVille. My only caveat to that sentiment is that this car had better have lots of frame reinforcement. Like, a full-on chassis underneath.

...or cars.

From this angle, the hind end looks like it was directly ripped off of an Escape. Seriously, why is the ‘vulcan ear’ with a ‘muffin top’ look so popular these days?

eh.. I’m not really seeing any Aztek, but definitely loads of Element. Maybe an Element and an Avalanche? This was, after all, the best feature of the Avalanche:

I’ve always loved the 24.7. I remember reading about it online when it was first introduced 16 years ago, and telling my dad all about it (yeah, I still lived at home back then.) I especially liked the truck version.

That’s something I’ve never noticed before. As a fan of both vehicles (and current owner of an Escape), I guess it makes a lot of sense, though.

They’ve grown a lot in the last decade. They now dominate the fuel retail industry in Wyoming, and are gradually growing into Nebraska as well. I can’t say I mind, though; they’re the only fuel chain around that has a full bakery and kitchen. Their coffee isn’t bad, either.

Wyoming. But yeah, close enough; the whole intermountain West (Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Colorado) is all pretty much the same.

I just discovered last week that the key to my ‘96 Aerostar will start my ‘99 Superduty. Not every time, mind you, but I accidentally stuck in the wrong key, and it worked.

I really, really want to say that he’s wrong, but....