
Nice! Thanks!

That tantalizing description of your car with no picture? For shame.

Off-topic, but I find it hilarious how this ad is saying exactly the opposite of the ad posted by the OP.

Eh... I gotta disagree with ya there.

Those tires look straight out of the ‘60s.


That dude has an awesome hat.

Wait, being a garage queen is better than being crushed? That makes no sense. After all, garage queens will be back on the road *someday*. Crushed, not so much.

The Wagoneer (introduced in ‘63) was marketed as a station wagon with 4-wheel-drive, and was never really aimed for the ‘truck’ utility crowd. This ad was from ‘65:

Aw man, I used to own an IH 1650 about like that, good times. Didn’t have the wheel weights, myself. Definitely popped a few wheelies, though. Man, I miss that tractor.

Oh, come on. I saw several Hyundai Porters in your video. No way you can call a Diesel Cabover RWD light truck with 3 pedals ‘boring.’ No matter what color it comes in.

Am I the only one who saw this and first thought “There’s a cassette player?”

Gotta admit I’m a little stumped as to what your Mini has to do with it. The Miata I compared it to has a trunk (of about the same dimensions.) It’s also rear-wheel-drive like the X90. And like a Wrangler, it had solid axles (at least in the rear, not sure about the front) and a full chassis. It had a t-top instead of

Hey, the X90 was pretty awesome. Like half Miata, half Wrangler awesome. Just also totally useless.

Ohhhh man I want a Stinger so much right now. And I hate Pontiac.

“It wasn’t a good day 4-wheeling if nothing broke” — something I learned years ago. By that count, you had the best day 4-wheeling.

You can’t say that anymore!

Someone near me drives one of these:

I know I’m going to catch some flack for this, but seriously, the Aztek was ahead of its time. Today, all CUVs are basically just ripoffs of the Aztek. The things people hated about the Aztek were the FWD car-like engineering, the plastic cladding, and the four-eyed face. The aesthetics of the hind end are subjective,

Not sure if this is typical or not, but my grandfather (born in England, then moved to the states after my dad was born) had 4. My sister and I each have 2.