
Umm. Nope. 

The number of grammatical errors on this site increases by the day. Why? It’s insane that mistakes are making it into the ledes. Do better. 

Is your mom my mom? ARE WE SISTERS?? My mom over the years has told me she’s “praying about my weight” and during my most recent visit home, with my hair at about a half an inch into regrowth from CHEMO made about 15 passive aggressive comments about my weight before I lost my mind and told her to step the f*** off

Spot on. Thin people can and do have eczema and borderline blood pressure. I’ve had both since I was a size 7 teen. It’s so fun when doctors look at my post kids, post cancer weight and attribute the same health problems I’ve always had to my BMI. 

I didn’t know this until just now. I’m shook. I googled it so I could “so actually she IS” you only to be laid out cold by the news that you’re correct!

I’m pretty sure they were handing out wristbands to random fans. Also this picture was taken outside so she likely was a fan who lined up outside the church. 

Also true of my slutty cousin

When I hear the name Cheryl, I think of my slutty cousin. 


I’m so here for that theory!

I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction on Tuesday so I’ve been reading a lot. I just finished An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and I highly recommend it. It was such a compelling read! Now I’m reading Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan. It’s about the love affair between Robert Louis Stevenson and

Mother knows all.

I’m now very against otter culture.

I just came here to say the headline is aces.

Someone needs to help them!

She’s exhausting.

I’m feeling ok. I’m BRCA positive so I’m going to pursue more surgery in a few months as a preventative measure against the reoccurrence phenomenon you mentioned. For me it’s much higher than 33%, which is fucking scary. So that whole thing is looming over me but at least I’ll likely get to skip radiation so there’s

I was diagnosed the week before she was and finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and I’m a bald little eagle. Even though we see that the photo was taken in 2013 it’s kind of bumming me out that she is trying to pass it off as “post cancer”. Treatment changes your appearance and your life. Own it Julia! (Not that I blame

I had NO idea about Broderick! So crazy.