
T Rav is just upset he can’t exploit his custody battle for his own benefit.

Mmmm...hate to break it to you, but he’s no longer with us.

Eminem just doesn’t understand Lil Yachty because he’s so god damn old,

Personally, I’ll pay for two with an occasional third. Recently I added HBO Now for GOT. In a month or two when that’s over and I’ve caught up on VEEP and True Detective and watched a few movies, I’ll cancel. I did the same thing with Starz for S1 of American Gods (no real interest in S2 without Fuller/Green at the

Sheesh, has Elizabeth truly, really ever been single? I know, I know, yes, I know her story. I know it because she tells ALL of us every single detail. How is she finding these partners when most of us can barely get a date? Could she be more average?

I appreciate their openness about their difficulties too. Sometimes they come off as a bit performative to me though. 

Right? I do appreciate the general message of the caption, but don’t think she really needed to assure anyone that “their girl is following her heart”. I mean, ‘following her heart’ seems to be the sum total of her existence.

Elizabeth Gilbert “finds love” a lot.  A lot a lot.

Be best, Melanie.

I. . . don’t know what your point here is. But ok. 

kinda OT, but has anyone else been hearing strange noises since reading the scary stories? i am not usually jumpy, but there have been some unfamiliar sounds in the dark as I am trying to get to sleep...

Who else thinks a “normal person” means a 22 year-old yoga instructor from a wealthy family with a lifestyle blog?

This is like me every time I walk into Trader Joe’s and realize it's not an actual grocery store so much as a giant snack pantry.

Umm. Nope. 

Do not suggest that this is some sort of Canadian thing. Burritos may not be indigenous up here but we do know how to eat them the properly. Covered in cheese curds and drenched in maple syrup.

Fuck her.

Teens were into eating Tide Pods earlier this year. They’d absolutely be into the Dead Grandparents Cookie Challenge.

Babies don’t soften everyone. They make you realise how much less you can/want to tolerate other people’s awful behaviour. 

You say sobby drunk, I say vicious drunk. Like Dorinda Medley without the charm.

You mean like Carrie?