
Good googly-moogly, this dress is hideous!

Nancy O'Dell dresses and styles herself like a 20 year old socialite. I really want to take her aside and cut her hair in a chic bob and put her in more becoming clothing.

Dear Parents of the World,

I think he's Captain of the USS Douchetastic, which is currently docked in Creepville. He's been hitting on many of the ladies at awards show red carpets. Skeevy, for sure. Lupita is so much smarter than to fall for his schtick.

  • The New Avengers.

Dear Brian Donohue,

"Marriage is about family. It's not about love. Two sisters can love each other. That's an odd idea by the way in Western history. The idea that two people should get married on the basis of love. Now, HOPEFULLY, people do love each other. Marriage has always been based historically on duty and on commitment."

Incorrect. Founded by an Italian businessman named Oscar Farinetti in Turin in 2007.

I am Large Penis Cup Cake Maker Mike.

That made me lol, out loud

I am going to keep trying to make 'Michelevingne' happen until it kills me (or, y'know, until they break up)...

That orange lipstick is perfect with this outfit!


I don't blame J.Law, I blame Dior. When it was announced that she signed on with them I was like NOOOOOOOOOO because we all knew this was coming. Waste. Absolute waste! I like some of Dior's makeup but dat clothing! Stuffy, weird, the two don't fit each other.

I'm trying to word this carefully because I don't want to seem like I'm criticizing Lawrence's looks, as she is a very beautiful woman. But I don't think her charisma really comes through in photos. I saw pictures of her for awhile before I saw any of her films and wondered why she was getting such acclaim when she

These two just aren't a good match for each other. They keep trying to make her edgy, and it's just not her thing. I wish someone like Calvin Klein would have offered her a campaign instead and Dior had focused on someone more like Lupita.

Seriously. I think the best advice I ever gave my kids was, "Don't have kids." It's brutal...the constant worry, the second-guessing...and the good part? Well, I just heard someone describe joy as "grief turned inside out", as in, this person that is making you so happy, so proud *right now*, as you feel those

Just go to the nearest medical-marijuana dispensary.

If you haven't read Michael Pollan's books (esp. Eater's Manual) you should. The rules are pretty simple: eat like your grandma or great gradma ate.

In other words, eat real food that doesn't come in a box. Stick to the perimeter of the store where all the vegetables and dairy is. If you really want to eat something

When Miley finally matures to the stage at which she, like the rest of us, is mortified by the things she did, said, & thought in her teens & early twenties, she will truly be a talented, worthwhile performer whose music I'll be able to openly admit to liking.