
I was a competitive figure skater for fifteen years. I competed under the new International Judging System fairly extensively. I cannot, for the life of me, tell you why Kim Yu-Na was not at the top of the podium. There is literally no reason. Sotnikova did not become a better skater overnight, and every justification

I find Alexander Wang's designs downright awful. I surprisingly like Miley's campaign for Marc Jacobs.


Happy people eat whole fat everything.

I surely hope that Lupi doesn't live down to some folks' (lack of) standards by hooking up with that faithless floozy. Lord knows she can do much better than what Page Six is trying to sell.

Nooo, don't do it, Lupita; you're too good for him! He can't even read!

As a child my mother always said, "You better eat your vegetables or ODB is gonna get you."


At 5'5" and 115 lbs no way is your BMI "obese". Anything below 150lbs at 5'5" is below 25 BMI which is when you move into the "overweight" category. You have to weigh a good bit more to make it to 30 BMI which is obese. Since you're mentioning thick skin I'm wondering if you're talking about calipers to measure body

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

So, I am totally ignoring the stupidity of this diet to comment on energy cycles and the moon. My mood/energy is highest during New Moon. It is absolutely deplorable between the full moon and the new moon. I can't shake stress, I am a total grump etc. This is something I had never noticed until my yoga instructor

I didn't find this shocking then, I don't find Miley's twerking shocking now. Do people really really find any of this offensive or do we just like to hear ourselves bitch?

My post-breakup sexcapades were few and far between, and also pretty depressing. Turns out I can't get off without emotional connection, and if you're having sex as a way to get over strong feelings you either feel incredibly bored and dead inside or your emotions jump onto the current hookup and get your heart

This woman is a freaking hero. She was thrown to the lions, and left to fend for herself. And that piece of crap asshole has not only never paid for it, but has been allowed to screw with the nation since. It's going to give me a rage stroke.

As I already knew, our block is CRAWLING with the little buggers. Which led to the creation of one of our favorite drinking games of all time: anytime we're sitting around having wine, you have to empty your glass every time you hear a blood-curdling scream outside our living room window. We do live on the first

This is the same legislature that just made cuts to the social net programs that would have assisted him. Ain't no such thing as a compassionate conservative.

At 18 weeks my husband and I learned that our fetus had Dandy-Walker syndrome (basically missing half of his brain and presence of cysts/fluid) and limbs that were measuring weeks behind. After consulting with the top doctors at the Columbia Center for Prenatal Pediatrics, we opted to terminate. The part of his

Let's assume this fetus were viable. And then it would be born with a ton of special needs and health problems and likely need care 24/7.

WOW! Have the collections this go around been particularly outstanding or are my tastes changing or are things more in line with my tastes these days? I've loved every single one of these collections posted so far.