I don't throw anything out until it smells/looks/tastes bad. I hate when my coworkers throw out perfectly good yogurt because its 2 days past it's expiration dates.
These people break my heart. Seriously, like it hurts me to see so much hate and ignorance.
I try to inject some genuine science into anything that can give informed consent :)
I have a ghost in my laundry room. It likes stealing socks. Not both mind you, just one so that I don't have a complete pair. It also uses up all the hot water and likes to shrink my sweaters.
I'm not anti-welfare, unless you're about to fire me.
Very words; such meaningful.
We absolutely do not want people wanting Shibas because we think that the journalists are doing a disservice to the breed because I feel as though they're publicizing these dogs when, as we say, this is not the breed for most people.
What are you doing with a child, gun and social security card? o_O
Uh, breed advocates are usually the most uhh....passionate about people not getting said dogs. Or only a certain kind of people.
It also fosters neural connections that support well-being. For anyone and everyone.