
As I already knew, our block is CRAWLING with the little buggers. Which led to the creation of one of our favorite drinking games of all time: anytime we're sitting around having wine, you have to empty your glass every time you hear a blood-curdling scream outside our living room window. We do live on the first

Due to possible dyslexia issues, I read the headline as, "Watch this polar bear cub fake his own death." Seriously. I did.

This is the same legislature that just made cuts to the social net programs that would have assisted him. Ain't no such thing as a compassionate conservative.

At 18 weeks my husband and I learned that our fetus had Dandy-Walker syndrome (basically missing half of his brain and presence of cysts/fluid) and limbs that were measuring weeks behind. After consulting with the top doctors at the Columbia Center for Prenatal Pediatrics, we opted to terminate. The part of his

Let's assume this fetus were viable. And then it would be born with a ton of special needs and health problems and likely need care 24/7.

WOW! Have the collections this go around been particularly outstanding or are my tastes changing or are things more in line with my tastes these days? I've loved every single one of these collections posted so far.

Fuck yes to all of this.

I love zis! So beautiful with underwear pockets and all!

I don't throw anything out until it smells/looks/tastes bad. I hate when my coworkers throw out perfectly good yogurt because its 2 days past it's expiration dates.

These people break my heart. Seriously, like it hurts me to see so much hate and ignorance.

I've heard so many people talk about this outfit and I just... I just don't understand it.

Julia Roberts?

He is so UGLY. Ya'll have terrible taste.

Why can't Melissa McCarthy wear something as gorgeous as this dress? I know she's not the same size as Oprah, but if Oprah can find a designer that will work wonders on her figure, she should share that name with Melissa.

Sooo pretty.

Her stylist is killing it so far in 2014. She looks FAB.


I try to inject some genuine science into anything that can give informed consent :)

I have a ghost in my laundry room. It likes stealing socks. Not both mind you, just one so that I don't have a complete pair. It also uses up all the hot water and likes to shrink my sweaters.

I'm not anti-welfare, unless you're about to fire me.