
Very words; such meaningful.

We absolutely do not want people wanting Shibas because we think that the journalists are doing a disservice to the breed because I feel as though they're publicizing these dogs when, as we say, this is not the breed for most people.

What are you doing with a child, gun and social security card? o_O

Uh, breed advocates are usually the most uhh....passionate about people not getting said dogs. Or only a certain kind of people.

I'm positive that was the same hairline Wesley Snipes wore in Blade.

Let your gaze rest on the book. Relax your eyes. When your gaze drifts from the book, return your gaze to the book. If something catches your eye, let it catch your eye, acknowledge it, then let it go and return your eye to the book.

Actually, if they are focused on their present moment and really attached to it, that is the opposite of mindfulness. Mindfulness, figuratively, is observing experience from the "beach" rather than drowning and stewing in the "ocean" of your experience. People get this confused all the time, saying, "but I don't

It also fosters neural connections that support well-being. For anyone and everyone.

Mindfulness has been up and coming for quite a while now - particularly in psychology. I hope that mindfulness isn't just a trend, it's genuinely useful and there's plenty of evidence that it helps with stress, anxiety and depression. It isn't a quick fix though (is there ever a quick fix?) so requires regular

We were the only two in the gym. The receptionist was still at her post.

Enough time has passed. He should just go by Jeff Stone knee Gillooly.

So, no Dancer in the Dark, no Carmen Jones, no Porgy and Bess, no Busby Berkeleys, NO BOLLYWOOD AT ALL? What about The Jazz Singer, the first talkie AND a musical? I feel like this is "The Best Movie Musicals, lite, or, a list for people who don't actually know anything about musicals."

Can't believe you forgot Xanadu.

I'd like to know why my cats are so needy, then.

Is this why cats lay across the keyboard when you're trying to get work done? They're trying to avoid a seizure.

Hey, thanks for that detailed description of your penis and your sexual technique. We love hearing about individual dicks and how their men feel about them, regardless of how apropos they are to the subject at hand (even more than we like seeing unsolicited pictures of them!). You've alleviated a serious shortcoming

I like me a good dick story. Thank you! Dicks Dicks Dicks. The sexy photos of nude men ready are, indeed, sexy. I am currently dating a fellow that may closely match the movie-maker's member, and, well, it's pretty easy to work with. I like em big, let me tell ya, but apparently I like em low-normal too. Dicks Dicks

I am skeptical, because if Oxytocin increases bonding, I should be really loyal to myself by now.

Why do the researchers assume that the bond created by oxy will work for their current partner? Seems to me that there's a chance the guy doused in oxy ends up bonding with a Starbuck's barista on the way home from the study.