
So what, it's a nipple!

I donated my 33 year old eggs to my sister. I was a raving hormonal lunatic for a month, felt for a while like I was walking around with little sacs of grapes in my groin and then had a lunatic reaction to anesthesia during the retrieval surgery.

Sometimes it was just a pube. Things were bushy in the 90's.

Leotard with crotch snaps. I have one of these, but not in a sex way. It's from a thrift store but originally from Gap Kids (**fashionista**). Anyway, doing up crotch snaps is surprisingly challenging although ripping them open with wild abandon does make you feel alive.

I don't eat for pleasure, I eat for nutrients. - Scott Eastwood

I believe many—though not all—women who claim sex is just as good without an orgasm, and it's not the most important thing, yada yada yada, have had to convince themselves of this because the alternative is so disappointing and frustrating and the implications about women's sexual equality (or lack thereof) are

I think I fall on the side of "People have sex to get what they need." If what you need is an orgasm, then having an orgasm is what you should get. But as a happily single lady, I have plenty of orgasms on my own. An orgasm given to me by a partner feels no better or worse than one I give myself. What I get out of

Is the ass in the Male Model one a real ass? Or a marble statue ass? Because if that's a real ass it looks like moss is growing on it, and it is unattractive.

Just an observation, but I find that Entertainment Weekly being abbreviated as EW is appropriate in more than one way.

Sorry, but no. You're saying that her discomfort is her issue and if she doesn't like being touched she should stay home. That is the equivalent of telling a fat person they shouldn't be allowed to fly because they don't comfortably fit into seats. I would argue that a little respect goes a long way - just because

Upon boarding a 14 hour flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt a middle-aged Italian man tried to tell me that as a young, petite woman I should take the middle seat and he should get my aisle seat. I called over the flight attendant so fast it would make your head spin. I was having none of that nonsense.

Okay, first of all, no one should be climbing over anyone. Get up out of your seat and move into the aisle if someone has to get up. Christ on a cracker. Who are these heathens?

For serious. I'm both tiny and a GIANT push over when it comes to interactions with strangers. I would be the person sitting on half a seat because I have tiny set hips and a weak will.

That I fully agree with. Squeaky wheel gets the most legroom and all that. There are always going to be people who don't give a sweet crap about anyone else.

I am only 5'2, and flying still feels like being trapped in a sardine can. I can only imagine how taller people or heavier people must feel. There is just no room!

Kinda wonder if this company exists solely for the purpose of collecting "fines" and credit card info...

Your point is very well taken. I am a white woman and I was thinking, if you are a scared POC in this country, where do you turn? The police will shoot you. Neighbors will shoot you.

She does rock a long dress really well - her legs are fantastic and she's got good shoulders. I fully support her wearing whatever the hell she wants (except the Tupac shirt because cmon, think Miley) but that's just my fashion two cents!

His major project has already been released. Sexiest Alive is reserved only for people who are promoting something that will be out in the next three months from the magazine publication deadline.