
Problem isn’t that VC is dead, is that Nintendo said it was dead without offering a new service to replace it or correctly explaining what the new offering will be.

Jason, Virtual Console isnt coming back. They purposely havent used the term “Virtual Console” for a reason.

The ban likely means they cannot trust anything he sends to them anymore. Since they found evidence on more than occasion, there is no telling if the next time he sends something that it is on an original cabinet or another emulator. Rather than tire people out with investigations, it would be easier to ban him. He

Dammit Jason. Stop delaying shit. Jesus, can we go one week without you posting about a date is being pushed back. I was looking forward to 2018 PS5, now I have to wait 2 years or more.

Actually, for it to be in 2018 means that more development time was spent on Kirby than on Smash.

eh, it’s more like cheat the system so that everyone can keep their job. the ends dont justify the means for this situation. Seems like the CEO was ill-prepared on what to do if their unknown game doesnt sell thousands of copies on day one on steam. failure to make an impact on day 1 of sales means a failure to

No, you cannot use the excuse “Im not responsible for what I have created”. You either take responsibility or you quit streaming. None of this “Im going to get banned for the actions of others”. Your actions(or lack of actions) led to what your community/chat is now.

another person who thinks the only games that exist are Battlefield, call of duty and assassin’s creed.

I got my dock the other day. Didnt open it until I read this article. Just tested mine and everything looks to be working on my unit.

Sometimes I wonder if Bungie plays the game at all. How could they think this stuff is ok as players? Does anyone in Bungie play the game at all? Or simply choose to use their tools to circumvent any imbalances imposed on the rest of their players? Honestly, I think Bungie lost touch with the game as players. Been too

Nintendo took trash(recycled cardboard) and is charging people $70 for $1 worth of cardboard. Trying not to be cynical, but wow... hard not to be.

More WoW, and likely some Lineage 2 revolution on my phone. Havent spent a dime and easily spent over 100hours

you sir/madam deserve more stars.

wouldnt you do the same if you worked 21 hours a day for 3 weeks?

Machi Koro doesnt get enough love. That and Bang the Dice Game. Both are games in my collection that get a lot of love.

Likely streaming a mix of WoW, Destiny 2, Overwatch and Division. Hopefully some Xenoblade 2 as well(not streaming this as I cannot at this time).

think they should let the offense slide given the circumstances. Riot isnt innocent in this debacle and banning him doesnt make them look any better.

there is a difference between saying a half truth with the purpose of cause harm and a full truth(which happened to be a negative truth). In the latter, the product was that the truth put the company in a bad light. The former is basically a troll doing it out of anger over something.

Former league player speaks truth, gets banned for speaking truth. Yes, rules says he cannot cause harm to the company... but, basically lying to everyone isnt much better.

I think the issue isn’t loot boxes themselves. they are only a part of the problem. If the items in loot boxes are available in some other method that didn’t involve gambling(while still using real money)... then no one would complain about the box. Like you can spend $5 on 5 boxes, or the same money can get you the