
not surprising PS Blog removed mention of Xbox when they posted the announcement for marathon.

The specifics can probably narrowed down. Someone has a ton of money and Embracer has something they want, enough to pay $2B for it. Which is no small amount of money. That means they are really wanting said thing from Embracer (until recently).

OW2 was F2P from the start. Nothing to preorder. Just load up OW2 from the Blizz launcher and download it.

Project Bloom doesnt need to be released under razer thin merch schedule. Pokemon games have gotten more and more ambitious and the series’ marketing machine does not have time for delays. Im sure Game Freak would LOVE to work on the game for 6 or 7 more months for polish. But the pokemon machine cannot stop moving.

This needs to be repeated. As much as people need to understand.

reading is hard isnt it? to quote the article and the youtuber.

sometimes things change before companies announce something. leaks can create a false perception in the player mindset. If something changes before said announcement, people can/will get upset over their own false perception. People can lose faith in companies over something that was never intended to happen to begin

you wouldnt be fighting against GMs in QP. Or even Diamonds. Plat at best, and coordinated Plat people can absolutely roll a lobby. No restrictions for stacking outside of GMs.

this more or less. not individual data. just aggregate data. age, gender and location. so they can see what group of people are found around an area at different parts of the day.

some of the top whales who no-life PoGo already spend a decent amount of time in-person raiding. remote raid are a supplement. but this does hurt everyone else who casually plays the game. this change hurts 90% of the player base as not everyone has community around them to reliably do raids, and wants to spend $2 a

it starts with 1 success and funko takes that to mean to turn the next run upto 11. but they dont really understand what makes their funkos a success. kind of just throwing stuff on the wall and seeing what sticks.

Except, as publicly traded company means all their financials are public... and comes with it shows how FaZE was burning money left right and center. Add on top of bad management of their top talent. Means a recipe for disaster. It would be one thing of FaZE was still making money. But their talent wasnt winning,

FaZE lost something like 750mil in evaluation since going public. Mostly because a bunch of current former FaZE members outted the company over the worst contracts possible for the people doing the work in games. Imagine spending months or years trying to win a tourney and getting almost nothing to show for it. FaZE

I mean... the company COULD do that. But their profits wouldnt be as high. So rather than making $1B+ per year, maybe a few hundred million. Still profitable, but the investors would worry the company isnt trying to make more money year over year.

Turning into content is fine... if he plans to also donate the money from the video towards the same shelter/charity. So it still ends up being a win/win for everyone.

It is a fairly difficult even to get through. 10 minutes to kill 6 chonky minotaurs. it does require everyone in the zone to be focusing on a minotaur at a time in order to get the event completed. But right now, the zone deployment structure means that if someone leaves... it could be a bit before someone new joins

you buy it from SE at $50 and then sell it to someone at else at $0.05. That is how the economy is suppose to work.

honestly, people forget that consumers have the power in this transaction. Businesses cant succeed without consumers agreeing to the prices they set. If you dont like the price... just dont buy it and walk away. No need to be vocally angry. The business doesnt owe you anything. and you arent entitled to anything. A

just chalk that up to only showing content from like the first hour or two of the game. Im sure the rest of the game will revolve less around big glowing weakspots on objects for 20 minutes at a time.

companies dont care as much for copies sold these days. just net revenue and revenue per user.