
Rockstar once again in the news thanks to hot beverages

Just a small correction, the Zone version is an homage to the original created by another artist named Minus8. Wanted to make sure they got their credit as well.

Wow did you even do research before posting this article??

This has nothing to do with their anti-piracy solution.

It is not their DRM technonologie coming to ps5 but their anti-cheat solution. Which btw, Denuvo anti-cheat has been on ps4 and xbox one for years now...

“Your parents raised you to be compassionate, non-judgmental, tolerant of others and open-minded. And despite our best efforts, it looks like those attitudes may be incurable.”

I blame the injury on the airbag not deploying during the Carr crash.

Miucin: “You can keep looking, Kotaku, and please let me know if you find anything”

So Jason delayed another thing?

Iron man. Iron Man

Investors are confused!

“We charged $100 for memory cards and people STILL like this thing? That’s it... release update 3.57.”

Diablo 3 nowadays is like that old friend you don’t always hang out with but as soon as you do get to hang out, things are still good and you have a great time just as you always did. (assuming you can forget that dark period pre loot 2.0 where he was messing around with the RMAH. We both remember it but we agree to

My boyfriend is...video game adjacent, would be the best term? He’s aware, and likes some games, but not nearly as “into” them in the way I am.

I don’t know if we have any exciting stories per-say, but I have kind of a sweet one: we were both playing Animal Crossing, and I invited him over to my town. We’re playing

So is April of 2015 to the PC Master Race what The Battle of Stalingrad and the Winter of ‘42 - ‘43 were to Nazi Germany?

I see no Riza Hawkeye there...

I fucking lost it at A. A. Ron Rodgers. At least he's enjoying his off-season.

isnt every platform just Wiiu and 3DS(and PC) for now?

They already do that with fan Pokemon.