
I believe the big play here is gamepass and to provide a good list of evergreen games that people will pay $15+ a month for. Getting stuff like newest CoD, OW2+all heroes, WoW+expansions (help blizz make it free to play for gamepass subscribers), Diablo4, Hearthstone, and more. Eventually, MS will have to increase the

People are missing the big picture here. MS is spending nearly $70B, that is a big B. not a small B. MS themselves will HAVE to self enforce to make that money back in any reasonable time frame on this acquisition. Companies dont usually make $100B a year. That isnt even remotely realistic. More so video game

better solution. just... cancel Netflix. Spend the $16 a month (or $20 for 4k users) on something else. because it isnt worth it. Netflix shouldnt be trying to make it harder for users to use their already mediocre service. Just cancel and move on. Nothing on the service that is really worth the asking price.

it’s not being held by duct, the game is just seriously complicated under the hood. things have been added piece meal to just get things up and out to players. kind of like.. game dev spaghetti code. but making changes down the line means if you mess something up, it can have a domino effect.

guess that means the 3 China OWL teams will need to be relocated to countries outside of China.

yeah. game is only enjoyable once you play... about 1000 hours and spent the time unlocking everything there is to unlock and start to really “play” the game. Until then, the experience is kind of shit. I came back from a year+ hiatus and the experience only gets worse because of certain class items locked behind a

I see you too like to live dangerously. This goes beyond having a vent. The lines themselves continuously emit dangerous pollutants that you cant see or smell. This is a greater concern than you give it credit for.

good lord, are politicians really more concerned over their gas stove than their own health? like, willing to die just to keep the thing. How little do they value their own lives?

Title is clickbait. And people will just post without watching videos or reading anything. Which does this whole thing injustice.

Sony still has a significant user base and has made deals in the past where Sony consoles get new DLC months before other platforms. Im not completely aware of the size of Sony user base.

Reading the.. case filed. Im not sure the people are in the right head space. most of these are weak arguments. I believe they are filing simply to stop CoD from falling under MS’s control. Which again, weak argument. 

Dont believe it is related at all. But Metzen has been someone who has been with Blizz since the early days and was a key figure in game success with stuff like WoW and OW.

G-Fuel can go suck a nut. Stuff is nothing but powdered red bull with other shit thrown in that does absolutely nothing but pad the label. never mind the owner being a total asshole and douchebag.

his departure from Witcher wasnt related to superman. He was growing tired of fighting writers and showrunner on how Geralt should be handled.

federal regulators arent familiar with the gaming landscape. and journalists arent businessmen.

yeah. dont believe the bullshit. it doesnt need to make that much to break even. it will break even during opening weekend. and it wont be $2b.

he lost it in bad bets, he didnt launder it and make off to international waters with it. There is a stark difference between failure for personal gain and failure for business gain.

Activision Blizzard being one of the world’s biggest publishers is an absolute lie. Top 5? sure. But it aint #1. Blocking the merger because of some half-baked lie that the public will eat up is total dogshit. People doing this should definitely be reprimanded.

Im not sure if you are being serious or facetious.

people arent going to bother to click on something. this is a fact.  plus, good design would mean people being able to discern information at a glance. Having 1 icon mean two different things is bad design.