
Xur should be available until Reset on Tuesdays. after that, he goes away until the following Friday and a new list of items.

Other alternate article titles:

I think this falls in-line with the “grabbing at straws” crowd.

usually it is bad PR to tell your players that you are making a system that discourages long play sessions. Problem wasnt the system, problem was the reason for the system existing. Players draw conclusions from any reason they want without any proof.

I think the problem here isnt loot boxes, its the fact that the items from loot boxes can only be found in them. people wouldnt complain if there was an alternate path to earning star cards other than loot boxes (or other items in loot boxes).

Honestly. This action not only targets “Loot Boxes”(ala Battlefield and Overwatch), but also Booster Packs as well. Basically this may affect TCG practices as well.

ah your right. didnt notice that when I watched it the first few times.

guess we gotta wait for the bluray release for the quality(and art) improvements.

New title for Jason:

Next Week’s Headline: Respawn shut down shortly after being bought out by EA.

XBOXes? no?

PC and Steam? is the PC version suppose to be DRM free? or this just a typo?

im just sitting here patiently waiting for 4k 120hz monitors to be a thing that is relatively affordable.

im just sitting here patiently waiting for 4k 120hz monitors to be a thing that is relatively affordable.

Yeah, my first was Red Mage. Because raid group I volunteered for needed a red mage and I was in the process of getting a class to 70. Now that I have one... time to get a melee DPS to 70, mostly to give the BLM in the party some DPS competition.

Some FFXIV(leveling up Samurai), Some GW2(doing map clears and getting more mastery points and tracks filled out) and Some Picross S on the Switch that released this week.

Better translation: We could not find evidence of it being harmful to your baby. But we also could not find evidence of it not being harmful to your baby. We need more research before we draw a final conclusion. 1 research paper or article isnt enough for a conclusion.

50k tests were ran for the same cancer screening. all came back with a negative. but later realized that they screwed up those screenings and had to rerun those screenings. They reran all 50k for accuracy, even if only 20 people have the result change.

Most of the people here are terrible at explaining. TCG, you go and buy a booster and it contains 10-15 random cards for about $4. Fantasy flight simplified that, and made it way more economical. With an LCG, their boosters are expansions, which gives you multiple copies of the cards and all the cards released in the

a lion, a sabretooth tiger and a panther. all are dressed up in their elemental garbs. electric type sabretooth, fire type lion, and ice type panther.

I did pick this game up from GenCon, along with a few others. Honestly, this was a really well done game that deserves the attention.