
actually. most of the negative feedback that was given to Kotaku was because of overzealous DMs. They also had plenty of feedback saying that their DM was chill and wasnt actually going to fire them for poor numbers and was understanding of the situation.

good on gamestop for changing. but ultimately, this all ties back to really bad/high demand district managers. district managers need to have more accountability for turnover rate in their district, or something that weeds out district managers that will twist any program to their benefit.

im currently trying to use it on a nintendo eShop card. ebay not really working with me. not sure if ebay has caught on or if its just wigging out.

im currently trying to use it on a nintendo eShop card. ebay not really working with me. not sure if ebay has caught

Nintendo isnt worried. They are too focused trying to sell the shit out of zelda right now.

Jason Schreier posts about Nintendo Switch, causes the console be delayed 3 months. New Release date is 6/2.

used or new. it doesnt matter. the developer already got their cut as soon as that copy enters circulation. only place profiting is the business.

My money’s on Horizon: Zero Dawn.

What’s the next game for Jason to delay?

How many at Kotaku have a Switch preordered and who is going to do the review?

soo.. Gamestop isnt changing their policies, or even their goals. they dont condone the extreme actions, but they certainly dont make it any easier to not do it.

so you started a new game a day for about a year. impressive, given you were able to finish some.

this takes “anti-consumer” practices to a new low.

I have a love/hate relationship with the mobile game, Kingdom Hearts Unchained x(chi). Cant stop playing the damn game, but Square Enix monetizes the game in NA so poorly compared to its Japanese counterpart. really irritating.

“uhh.... Khakis?”

so... everyone is worried over his “reverse psychology” tactic. get those subs from people who would never sub in hopes he actually does it. I wouldnt say he is joking, I think this is closer to a lie.

I think any “hack” promising that it is undetectable is selling themselves to the most gullible players on the internet. seriously, no such thing as undetectable. regardless of what they say. this inst a matter of if, but when.

got the $100 new3DS from amazon on wednesday. and picked up about 4 Pokemon TCG tins that were half off. 2 online and 2 in store on different days. Would of wanted only 3, but I couldnt get my gift card to show up on my phone. so went back on friday and got another tin and used the card then. still have the two

I respectfully disagree with Mr Anderson. We dont need more movies about regular guys in alternate universes. Marvel movies are successful because they take a “regular guy”(depending on the character) and make him into a hero.

Doesnt need similar architecture. They can reuse and re-up assets, the rest might need to be recoded. This isnt exactly a 1 month project. This is a 10 month project at minimum. You are also talking work of easily 100+ people in that time.

I would fully believe Eurogamer. When they report on something this early, they make sure they get confirmation from enough people before typing up the article. Eurogamer doesnt first report on half-assed rumors.