
I will wait for Best Buy since I have GCU,. saving $7 in the process. Something Prime cant do right now.

I will wait for Best Buy since I have GCU,. saving $7 in the process. Something Prime cant do right now.

Soon=Sun+Moon, mine is dumber/funnier/more clever

No third option? Pokemon Soon?

the online games have a trade system. but doesnt guarantee anything. face-to-face(or direct trading)is still more guaranteed than online trading.

in order to “Catch ‘em all”, you are going to have to interact with those around you. Pokemon is very much a social game. People arent expected to pickup both versions, they are meant to pick up 1 version and then find people other versions to get their missing Pokemon.

this post title needs an epilepsy warning...

this post title needs an epilepsy warning...

c’mon capcom :( give us a better logo. it’s like adding “extreme” to the end of something and expecting people to take you seriously.

that’s the idea. They want to lock in your money before you find out that you made a terrible mistake. Just businesses gonna business.

you can turn a fan game into a quick resume. work on something amazing for 5 years? then show Nintendo. plenty of companies are willing to hire someone on the spot because of the amount of work you did on something. Dont post the work on the internet, you will just make the wrong people upset. You can turn amazing

In video games? some GW2 and Destiny.

1st... this is a limited run. They arent printing 50k copies of each game. expect less than 10k of each.

sounded like “unwrapped” was the intended meaning. but first time seeing “wrapped open” as a synonym for “unwrapped”.

honestly? wait for the NS Nintendo Direct(had to write this in this manner to not look crazy). This should at least confirm more things than now. I think 3rd parties are waiting for... something. I think they are still forced to be silent for some reason.

my expectationtation is a silhouette. 3 minutes of silhouette and a date for the direct.

This is less anime and more AMV(yes, I know the A in AMV stands for Anime). Hear me out, the focus of this project was the music. But A-1 had ended up making a short story with associating music. If they had removed the music, then I can see it leaning more towards Anime and less towards AMV.

I place blame squarely on Publishers. They set expectations way too high, and in return they get a ridiculously high turnover rate. They keep trying to produce full fledged high dollar games in a short time span.

in other news... Niantic still doesnt have any updates on tracking.

now with “Geographically correct suns for all 32 NFL Stadiums!!”

looks like “VR Exclusive”. So, no Oculus or Vive compatibility out the gate. But base game looks like still releasing on Multiple platforms in January.

If you guys new anything about the NX, would you share it everyone NDA be damned?