
I would find the quote hard to believe(I mean it being from a higher up at Nintendo). but again, we wont know until e3. anything between now and then is speculative rumour.

unheard of at the time. but with a source close to nintendo saying that it is happening, hard to deny the rumour now. guess we need to wait for Nintendo’s E3 Direct to find any information about the next console and the rest of the year. E3 cannot come soon enough.

hard to have official sources when Nintendo is rather hush hush about the specs. at this point, rumoured sources more than anything else. We dont know anything until June. So roughly 3 months away.

Rumour is that new Zelda would be a launch/near launch title for NX.

apparently there was technologies he had developed at Trendy that he was using in Ark. Different genres, similar use of tech.

Jason, that third picture has buttons. just not in the traditional sense. Right below the Right thumbstick you can clearly see a “B” button, which matches traditional Nintendo design for A/B buttons.

I can totally see The Division being a launch title for NX. especially if its specs outdo that of current gen console.

err. there is one fact in this article and in the nikkei article: “Some parts of the Wiiu have already ceased production and no longer available.” That is info that nikkei got from one of the parts suppliers. That means consoles are bound to cease production very soon with supply quickly drying up and unlikely

soo.. Snacktaku Oreo Cupcaku edition?

sounds like both bundles open up preorders on that day. the core and move/camera bundle.

sounds like Jim has a habit of stating things he doesn’t like as fact, not opinion. “The WORST GAME OF 2014". That doesn’t sound like opinion/criticism, but fact.

didnt say he would lose. but the dude does need to learn what criticism means.

Honestly, it sounds like a studio that cant take the criticism. but at the same time, sounds like Jim might have overstepped his boundaries with his criticism. one thing to make criticism, another to state criticism as fact.

eh, nintendo’s software sales in general are what’s keeping nintendo afloat. not just pokemon, but the marios, the zeldas, and the rest of the IPs that they create and manage. Nintendo creates some of the high quality(speaking technically) games these days compared to other publishers and devs.

VR is new. and rather untested for long gaming sessions. Feel like I would need to wait a couple years before I end up doing something bad to my body that requires thousands of dollars in surgery or doctor’s bills. I like gaming, but not enough to warrant damaging my body for it. I still feel satisfied with gaming on

What they don’t mention is that all $1.3 billion come from stolen accounts and credit card information. What they don’t mention is that they have serious problem in some countries doing massive charges on stolen accounts.

you still visit this site, therefore you have helped pay the bills. might I suggest not visiting this site if its contents offend you that much?

this isnt a spoiler, or confirmation. this might not even be anything. what nintendo announces tomorrow could be completely different than this. they are just reporting that these were trademarked in EU. whether it relates to tomorrow’s Direct is anyone’s guess.

Some information for all. MAGFest and Katsukon both happen in the same location(National Harbor, MD) and usually within a couple weeks of each other. Not unheard of for people to come to one Con and stay for the other.

Translation: $800 is too expensive. not affordable for mainstream consumers.