
I believe(and could be mistaken) Fox owns the theatrical release of Star Wars in perpetuity. I think Disney can still get “A New Hope”, since they may be considered two different items. Which is what they would be selling people. I do not believe Fox would wrestle away the original Star Wars theatrical release that

I think there is suppose to be distance between the character “standing” and the vehicle. but no shadows or anything convey that distance, so we are to assume he is standing next to the vehicle. which makes the frame awkward. otherwise the frame would make sense that the character is on the sidewalk and the vehicle in

still waiting on the $10 GOTY edition to release and save myself $100 in the process.

still waiting on the $10 GOTY edition to release and save myself $100 in the process.

would still not give you right to download the missing episode. that logic can also be applied to watching a movie in theaters. “They got money since I watched it in theaters, therefore I have the right to torrent the bluray version.” If you want to watch the missing episode, then you would need to wait for either the

false logic. you didnt pay to watch it. if you missed it, you missed it. the right thing would be to use a service like hulu to watch it. the station missed money by not broadcasting it. your cable money pays to access stations, not shows. cable companies also include some shows on demand which would be included in


more than likely start from scratch. using someone else’s work get messy in the legal department.

X/Y has an item that lets you reset EVs so you can retrain. level just means Mew cannot participate in certain events.

Mike, proposition. As a Monster Hunter genre vet. perhaps I can play with you from beginning to whenever? Onstream, offstream, multistream. always looking for some dedicated partners for the monster hunting journey.

loot crate has a Loot Anime service. Runs for $30 a month rather than $20 that Loot Crate runs for.

License-less Rider

new Theory, not anyone important are here parents. It isnt about her lineage, but her existence. Her parents probably met while training under Luke, but were also in danger from the Empire being killed. They had a kid, and hid the child away on some backwater planet where no one cares to look. Kid grows up not

I believe NoA is largely Treehouse. Can’t add much of the way of new content, just do a shit ton of localization. It’s just one of those things where if they were to add it, the cost benefit of such a change would not have made it feasible. Sometimes cutting content that could be left controversial would be best for

not quite, think It is closer to a Vulpix silhouette than anything else. doesnt resemble the typical M that magma uses.

yes, Im fully aware. that is what im talking about.

Here is the thing, I am glad he is delaying the game. Most of the backers may not care about the Network features, but the ones that are streaming the game are the ones that will be using it. And when people want to see the quality of the game, they will be going to the ones that are using the network features aka

Armature... the little studio that could. Releasing Dead Star soon, and “volunteered” themselves to port Bloodstained to PSVita and WiiU and Bloodstained is being built in UE4. That is a monumental task to bring that engine to run on those platforms.

the game had me interested at “Smedley”. But honestly, their tiers are poorly designed. difference between $50 and $100 is Alpha access. No one should be paying $50 extra to play the game a few months early. I backed at the $25 level only, as none of the other tiers seemed worth it for what they are throwing in.

Soul Sacrifice Delta this weekend. And if I happen to finish playing the story, then most likely gravity rush or danganronppa. I’m slowly working through my vita backlog.

I want to pick it up and Mega Man Legends. But Im trying desperately to break my “steam” habit. buying games just because they are cheap. I actually want to finish previous purchases first.