
yeah, as I said. "Dating forum" was a poor choice of words. This kinda thing will happen regardless. Only way to avoid it is to not cosplay. People just seem to get all "creepy" with cosplayers since they see them as some kind of advertisement to get all grabby and creepy instead of just regular people having a good

eh, I would imagine these are the extreme outliers of cosplaying. Dont think "normal" falls in what this post is after in terms of being a victim. I imagine cosplayers do get hit on, but this post seems to highlight the creepier ones that cosplayers have gotten at NYCC.

Downside of being a cosplayer. You really cant tell who is spoken for and who isnt(not that you should be hitting on them to begin with). So a lot of guys just figure any female cosplayer is fair game. Course, some guys just dont care and do it anyway. Only way to avoid it is to not cosplay.

I guess my choice of words for "dating forum" were a little poor. I dont necessarily think it is wrong to look for love at a convention, I just think the choice of execution of such action is what is making cosplayers extremely uncomfortable regardless of gender.

not really. Pokemon Bank in December solves that problem.

I guess some guys mistake a convention for a bar? I think more people would appreciate a hello and a name before a one liner that comes out all wrong.

Meeting people is fine. most of the cosplayers are being touched when they arent looking to be touched(or in some cases, asking if it is ok to touch them). Im sure a friendly hello would go a longer way than asking if you can touch their butt.

problem is, most women go there just to have fun and not get the wrong kind of attention from guys.

do guys always turn conventions into a dating forum?

third game is usually containing most of the pokemon from both games with a new legendary to justify a $40 price tag. same story and everything else as the first two games.

pokemon black and white didnt get a 3rd game.

not official yet, people just connecting the dots in Pokemon X and Y.

completely missed his point. Ubisoft twice now has given sony some console exlcusive versions or even DLC. Microsoft and Nintendo has just gotten stuff left out of their version of the game or, heck in some cases leaving out pre-order bonuses. Ubisoft has bias with Sony over other manufacturers.

Data is same, processes are different. Xbox may have a different path for handling data than say PC since Microsoft has the inclusion of Xbox Live. Same with PS3 using PSN. The data may need to travel to a couple of different locations before being able to be sent to its intended destination. This is all just a guess

That is how some MMOs get around cross-platform play right now with centralized servers doing most of the work. Games like CoD and BF4 would need more work. They have the ability for dedicated servers for people to connect to, but they are divided by platform. Not sure how difficult it would be for PC, PS4, and Xbox

I would like to see someone do the same with PS3 and 360.

He later adds, "[A] connected ecosystem across all the different devices is definitely where I think the future of gaming is going; you don’t have to do it as a developer, but you have the capability and I think a system like Xbox Live across all those screens where you know who someone is and who their friends are,

somehow this video has managed to ruin my appetite for chinese food for quite awhile.

why not both?

Fennekin and Squirtle. Blastoise hasnt seen much battle though. thank god for exp share in this game.