
Francis is a gamer personification he does. In this case, he always plays Francis with the lisp.

I dont think any gamer likes the ideas proposed by microsoft, and possibly sony sooner or later, with the used game thing. Because some people just want to find an old game now and then and play it, and only used copies are available.

3DS is safe from anymore price cuts. The system is on its way to outselling its predecessors of handhelds and plenty of fun titles available now and on the horizon.

Dont Places like Best Buy have some kind of 30 Day price guarantee(or atleast 2 weeks)? So if there is a price cut that is effective the following week, you can walk in and get the difference back. Course, this doesnt work if the price cut is starting later in the summer. So it ends up being a gamble on your part

June 11 am at 10am EST.

I would be a sadder panda if "Death Ray Manta" doesnt come to the PSVita. Sounds like a promising game already.


I know, but a month after release the game's new sales have slowed down and used sales picked up. That is money the developer isnt seeing because of all the poor college students and those with a very tight budget. New sales are only good for the first couple weeks the game is released. After that, people pick it up

Doubt it, Sony and microsoft lose money from the business of used game sales. They are only looking to get money they think that they deserve from the used game market. People will cry and moan about it, but everyone knows developers dont see a dime from any used game. And I know some people cant afford buying every

This game looks to do well for itself. Just the right combination of stuff in there to pique people's interest and try it out.

I dont think MS's subs levels is really hurting enough to warrant them to drop the sub altogether. Though I wish they would seperate online multiplayer to the silver from the rest of their gold service. I dont see them ever doing that. Especially since there are people who payed for their gold serivce for years on end.

But why would they stop allowing us to giving them more money every year? MS loves the free money they generate from the Gold Subs every year.

You can access Sunday Ticket digitally.

hmm, seems looking at their FAQ on the site answered my question. Comics accessible via their apps on appropriate devices AND online. This deal sounds really sweet. Color Me Sold. Cant say no to a bunch of comics for $100.

it's just good for the developer since it includes DRM, plus steam does have an Offline mode. It does limit what games can be played when playing in Offline mode, but the option is there if you just want to play a game without having to deal with friends, updates, or sales. People just find it as a good way to keep

That Dark Horse offer looks really good, but are the comics accessable online or available through somewhere else to be read?

Yes, will it help keep Nintendo afloat? No not really the 3DS will do that.

Nintendo systems have mostly been about amazing first party games. Not just the Marios, but the Zeldas, Donkey Kongs, Metroids, and Starfoxes that release on the platform. The kinda games that people remember growing up with. If the WiiU doesnt get as much 3rd party support at the PS4/Durango systems get, that is

It's to give your console more value and to appeal to more demographics with the added functionalities. Trying to convince people to spend $300 to $700 on a console that does one thing and one thing only, is a hard sell. That is why they try to make it do more for that price. Sure a lot of it maybe marketing

at this point you seem like you are trying to discipline a child with millions of parents. The child isnt going to care if one set of parents is upset at his behavior, the child still knows he/she will get what he/she wants from every other parent that it has. Although you seem like you are doing the right thing, the