
why limit options for other developers?

Unlikely, First party titles is what sells nintendo systems. 3DS had a slow start for first party titles when it first started. Now there is about a dozen or more first party titles coming out every year for it. WiiU is just getting started and first party developement has been slow so far, but I would expect Nintendo

If you were familiar with Xbox360's infrastructure at all, you would know that Microsoft charges a lot of money for almost anything that has to do with their system. Given the popularity of the game in the west, they may not really see it being any better to release a game on the Xbox360 for the slight increase in

I know what you are trying to get at, since I think you just want to see what releases on a specific platform on a week by week basis. Rather than see everything for the week, regardless. But I think you may want to look at other sites that can do the breakdown for you. Really hard to get a happy medium between the

Essentially: It's not really about power. It's about the ability to play the latest games on a system that they enjoy.

Nintendo finally developes an HD console to compete with the hardcore gamer, and people still complain.

they are protecting what is their's. It's fine that these guys arent really making any money off of this project, but all the characters do belong to Hasbro to begin with. So it is up to them how they want these characters protrayed. In this case, it is not in the same light as what Hasbro has in mind for this series

A few trinkets the original creator had found around the house that was used to play the game.

Im enjoying Win8 just fine ignoring the MS Store. Without having to worry about it, it's just Win7 with a new start screen.

And ncsoft's WildStar Online

Yeah, I did the same thing I think earlier last year. When I started my list, it was around 40 games. This year rolled around and somehow found it's way to being a little over 100. I think I need to work harder on clearing my back log of games. I havent purchased much from this last steam sale since I did the heavy

that and Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney... and Bravely Default.

I feel you man. Im having loads of fun in Guild Wars 2, and have borderlands 2 this week and torchlight 2 coming this week as well. I have no idea when I will be able to get to playing those 2 when Im working 8 hours a day and still enjoy playing Guild Wars 2.

I dont know how that will pan out. Even the Wii was hard to find until the next summer. I can see it being a repeat with this system. Im just as anxious for MH3U as you are, and trying to grab one day one so that I can guarantee that I have one near me when the game releases next year in the US.

This just sounds like Valve hiring someone for R&D stuff. Not real confirmation, but if they hire someone that completely blows their minds wide open then they will move forward.

Well, origin did announce earlier that they are first to use the VirtuMVP tech in their laptops. Sorta why I was considering it. But yeah, I generally agree though. Even a basic 15" laptop from Origin starts at $1500.

I might actually consider this. It's a toss up between this and the origin PC for a gaming laptop. both are pretty good for the price.

Champions Online has been free to play for a couple years now, while City of Heroes I believe went free to play within the last year.

I am so ready for this. Nintendo just needs to give me a release date, And they can take my money. Whatever it costs, Im paying. I was day one purchaser of Wii, and doing the same for WiiU. This system already has a very promising launch lineup, outside of games like Asphalt and Ridge Racer standard titles.

I eventually plan to get a vita. Just have to finish playing through a couple PSP only titles(KH:BBS and Crisis Core) though before I sell it off with the games.