
I have the zelda 3DS as well, and do plan on getting a 3DS XL and still keeping my Zelda version. It's still has use for playing resident evil: revalations with the CPP.

I think it's meant to be a baby blue, but for some reason it came out as turquoise.

it's valve we are talking about. when have the only announced 1 thing at a time.

im a dude and all I want to say is... *gamer squee*! september 18 cant come any sooner.

so is this more or less confirmation that valve is working on a Steam OS?

I highly doubt Nintendo would release a system in the US before Japan. If anything, the US would be pushed back to 2013 if the Japan release gets delayed.

your telling me, Im glad I have games to look forward too on my 3DS. even more so when I do pickup the 3DS XL.

no date for wiiu yet, and used my best guess of december/january since last we got was holiday 2012. besides, releasing wiiU in november would hurt paper mario sales.

needs more team sports.

well, XBMC support has been more or less confirmed. And the device does have a USB 2.0 port. So there is potential for it.

Why so many posts with disbelief about this console getting released? I know people are only going to point to the "Phantom" console but that was the exception, not the rule. Can't let 1 bad egg ruin the batch. Just gotta keep believing that there are companies and people out there that genuinely want to do something

well, seems a lot of the bigger developers in the industry have taken notice and started working on support for it. Because of the community popularity of the console, developer popularity has picked up.

You know, that image would look really sick as a wallpaper. Anyone care to make it happen in a 1920x1080 format?

that video has way too much Wubs in it. Honestly, I think Peter was in the right to leave with a trailer like that.

Please tell that the game's optimization efforts are further along internally than they were during the last Weekend Event.

Of course it's more popular there, they have a bigger and better game selection than what we will ever see in the Americas. It's hard to sell units when a lot of popular games tend to be first party games.

Any games you are looking forward to in the future?

took me a couple sittings. Though I did finish it sunday night. I did pick it up during the steam summer sale, and looks like I get another hour or so of more levels next week too. It's not a bad game, just wish they would spend more time improving performance of the game. Getting graphic spikes at max settings isn't

only Squeenix can somehow quadruple the price of a 3DS game with a Collector's Edition.