That’s the thing though, she’s not being targeted for who she is but by her actions.
That’s the thing though, she’s not being targeted for who she is but by her actions.
nominate it for word of the year
Abortion services are privately funded. It’s against the law for federal money to go towards abortion services with a few exceptions. Most of the public revenue PP gets is through medicaid payments for preventative care.
They were all garbage apps anyway. Many were still full of ads. The free app of the day program was much better. A lot of garbage too but every so often they had a good one. Fingers crossed they will bring back free app of the day now that underground is getting the boot.
No chance in hell. That would completely destroy the entire purpose of the kindle fire line.
What’s the ponit of having nukes if we don’t use them? That’s what Trump asked. He just wants a reason to use the nukes. He ain’t going to attack his precious Vlady so N. Korea is the next target.
What causes the tides? You can’t explain that.
Don’t insult 6 year olds like that. Some of those kids are damn sharp. #NotAll6YrOlds
With that much sugar in it, of course it’s drinkable.
It’s pre-ground beans so it really doesn’t matter.
From the “making of” featurette on that iguana sequence, it sounds like actual events played out pretty much as they showed it.
A cup of coffee is actually “standardized” at 8oz fluid. Yay, non-metric units. Avg caffeine per 8oz is about 95mg. So 4 “cups” (32 oz) would be about 380mg, round it up to 400 and it’s close enough in alignment with the study.
9 days sounds about right for Spirit and Opportunity. The sky crane came about because curiosity wouldn’t have survived the landing because her larger mass would have resulted in substantially higher forces on touchdown. They needed to use rocket thrusters to slow the vehicle down but thrusters stir up a ton of dust.…
There’s a huge difference between having a meal with a friend and being a sexual predator. The only rule Bill O needed to use to still be on the air was not being a sexual predator. It’s a pretty fucking easy rule to follow.
I find it ironic how she makes a giant assumption that those 75% agree with her and uses it as a sword. I find that incredibly hard to believe given the majority of people mocking Pence probably identify as christian.
was looking for it during a skim
Quite a few places use half hour time zones. Newfoundland, India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Australia to name a few.
Let them pat themselves on the back. So long as Trump doesn’t start a nuclear war, it doesn’t matter what they say or think.
Nuun or Skratch both taste good and have low or no sugar. There are a few other brands too.
Coffee isn’t a diuretic, per se. But coffee has caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic. I wouldn’t call this a myth.