
I think you are too easily impressed.

Pick 10 US citizens at random and I bet they would struggle just as much.

Google “how bad at geography are americans?” and you’ll walk back your comment.

The question isn’t how but why? I don’t buy the claim that it is less expensive unless you are shooting commercials for multiple cars at the same time. Even then, I’m still doubtful. A car manufacturer doesn’t have any difficulty in obtaining a car and handing it over to the video production company. I suppose you

People still bitch and moan about it but it’s still the undisputed champion in the sector. Adobe’s shareholders are happy and their books are looking good.

but one downside is the fact Chrome doesn’t keep any kind of history when you’re using it

Americano is an espresso with hot water so it’s not just extra water in “coffee”. There are significant differences in taste compared to drip. An americano is like whiskey on the rocks. You get all the same flavors as a shot but can savor it a bit longer. I’ve never heard of a place that only serves espresso and no

There’s coffee, and then there’s amazing coffee. They are totally different beverages. Amazing coffee is hard to make consistently. It’s not just the preparation, but also (especially) the roasting and everything that comes before that. Enter Starbucks who has taken the McDonald’s “One World One Taste” idea and

Parental influence is hugely important but your statement disregards the systemic problems we have with rape culture. My point is it wasn’t just his father that “all but taught him it was acceptable” it’s our society as a whole that taught him that, including his light sentence.

It’s not anything about what he actually looks like. That is not the point. The reason we’re looking at his mugshot is because just about every story about this case up until now used a flattering year book picture. If he was a minority, the police wouldn’t have thought twice about releasing the mug shot and that

@tightassandronicus - actually, yes all white men have privelege in our society. not all men are rapists but that is not what @foxgreyjoy was claiming. I think you are seriously missing the point here.

On the other hand, the victim’s letter was badass.

If it makes you feel any better, there’s a good chance everyone else gotten bitten the same number of times but just didn’t have a noticeable reaction for all of them.

I stopped reading here

Think on the bright side, you didn’t miss out on anything.

You’d be surprised. A 30% off tag is still surprisingly effective even when they jack up the original price to be 30% more than before it went on “sale”.

It really depends on the risk for infection. It’s not a bad rule of thumb and for most small wounds you should be fine following it. Petroleum jelly makes up about 95% of Neosporin and is typically sufficient to help reduce scarring and keep the wound from sticking to any bandaging if that is needed.

Many watches (and sunglasses) have reached comically large sizes. It’s ridiculous. 15 years from now, watches are going to stick out like a sore thumb in photos and videos.

EWG is full of sensational faux outrage. It’s safe to ignore anything they say. File their advice wherever you put Dr. Oz, The Food Babe, and other quacks.