
“He touched me! Did you guys see that? Buzzsaw touched me!”

Situations like this really highlight both the awesomeness of people and the necessity of save game data backups.

I didn’t get why blowjobs were supposedly great til I was 30 and finally met someone that was good at it. Don’t give up!

I personally would recommend the original SW: Battlefront II, it’s on Steam and has so many mods you can get anything. I loved the Xbox version and the Galactic Conquest mode was a pretty fun strategy take on the genre.

As with most things Penguins vs Capitals, the Pens just do it better.

“Is she cheating on you or working?”

This woman is doing god’s work and y’all are mad at her.

Rap is pop these days.

This. And that’s the entire point of these hearings. Peterson COULD be a good guy, could be a good lawyer, and eventually could be a good judge.

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

I’ve always said anyone with tattoos from the neck up makes poor life decisions. I’ve found it to be 100% true

And I’m pretty sure he just used his Xbox Live handle as his rapping name

How about the guy who gave him the job?

Boy, won’t Donald Trump be steamed when his Twitter connection slows to a crawl.

Is there anything more hateable than some corporate lackey who acts all whacky while he robs the American people?

It’s the best movie about nothing. They just hangout and you can’t stop watching it. You’re like a fly on the wall. Also as someone who grew up in the 70's it’s the best movie about the 70's not made in the 70's. They get it right.

“The bridge is out!” line is from True Lies.

...that you know of.