
That’s just awesome. I wish a modder would see this and create a mod for Doom 1 or 2 like this.

Yeah. They have already strayed a lot from what Ghost Recon originally is and I still like it, but too much further and they would just have to call it something else.

My friend’s and I played the open Beta all weekend and only had 1 issue with connections. Other than that 1 time, the game was great. Wildlands meets Metal Gear, with aspects of division and destiny’s gear levels makes for a great game.Needless to say that once we stopped playing sunday, all 4 of us signed up from

RIGHT. RE5 NAILED co-op Resident Evil on the head. Sure the game was more action then anything, but the co-op was great, the camera positioning was perfect and it just worked so well. Same with Mercenaries. RE6 honestly IMO f’d it up with changing the weapon selection method and the camera angle trying to make it look

YUUP. Apex was the ONE thing tied to EA I didn’t stop playing, but after first seeing that and the cost of the boxes, deleted from PC instantly along with Origin. Let companies like EA die already and stop buying their garbage. I have a small sliver of hope the new COD might actually be good, but Im going to wait at

I uesd to LOVE Dead Island and play them all the time, that is until I discovered Dying Light. They are really going to have to setup the game from what it used to be, cause a Dead Island with the same game play and just better graphics, is not going to do well when Dying Light 2 exists. Sure Dying Light 2 may be out

Too little and FAR too late. All this, on top of going dark, and giving us a fake trailer at E3, I am fully on board with letting EA and all their studios just die. There is no reason to support greedy publishers like EA and Craptivision after all the shit they have given the world and crap they have pulled. There is N

I haven’t seen that yet, though I am just returning to D2 after at least a year. Had a horrible flood rip through my place and lost my gaming PC, my music/sfx Mac tower, microphones, a LOT, but just got my PC taken care of and started back up last night. When I had to leave. they had just released the first raid and I

YESSS. My crew and I LOVE going swamp. Not too many people go there most the times, and there is tons of loot for 1 squad, and it’s not a bad place to get into a fight at esp if you have a pathfinder. 

Well to be fair, they (EA & Bioware) deserve ALLLL the shit they are getting. You seem to forget that the trailer we were shown at E3 was a total fake and a lie. Honestly they should be happy they did not face legal actions for false advertisement or something along those lines. I do feel bad for Bioware cause

Yeah and that 1 program is the one who gave out my and millions other’s credit card info., Not to mention, Epic launcher cannot launch in offline mode, so people who live in areas where we get extreme storms and can loose internet often are screwed. At least Steam, Uplay, Origin, etc can ALL PLAY OFFLINE. And telling

I take amazing care of all my electronics, still have a original working nes, snes, gameboy etc, and I had never had the drift be an issue at least until I purchased the Collection of Mana. Doesn’t matter which game I play in the collection, but seems to happen most with Trials of Mana, but at random moments my left

Old 2018 news, stop showing this on the main page. No concrete solid evidence for them to use in court. Who cares.

I know I forgot about this D-bag till kotaku made another story about him. He filmed in a bathroom, ban him, move the F on, but twitch cares about the $$. 

Yep. He got off easy. If my child were in the bathroom and got filmed, ol’ Doc wouldn’t be leaving said bathroom with teeth or his face in tact.

I don’t feel alone anymore lol. I still haven’t defeated Calamity Ganon after 250hrs. Something just snapped when I was ready to go after him and I just decided to adventure to every spot on the map and try to find secrets and hidden things. I know a lot of people didn’t like the weapons breaking, but I thought it

Saisfye is def better IMO as far as big hand comfort and console safety goes. Had the skull co. grip and it broke my L button and put too much stress on the joy cons where they attach when removing the grip, also it didnt fit in the dock like advertised and the customer support told me to force it in LOL not doing

Yeah he doesnt understand the difference clearly in his response. WTF did you people expect, REALLY??? All this was ever going to be was updated graphics and that’s it. They even said that awhile ago, aside from the Switch version getting motion controls, nothing new was going to happen. Learn the difference between

Was super excited for this deal for my switch, till I read the reviews. Seems about 9/10 of these recently are fake/knock off memory cards and have no warranty, 1 review even got a reply from San Disk that the card is a fake. 1 buyer got 2 and they both look the same, but the 1 has different font (which was the one

Was super excited for this deal for my switch, till I read the reviews. Seems about 9/10 of these recently are

And this is a good example of how new rules are ruining the game and why I haven’t watched NFL Football in years. That was a clean hit through and through. What the hell is the guy gonna do, bend the laws of gravity and float back to his feet? He never lifted the QB so who ever said he picked him up and drove him down