
Can I talk to you about DMT and deer meat? I’m gonna blow your fucking mind. 

Ancient Egyptians were aliens.

Sometimes they just throw in random things, there is a level in the beginning of the base game on the EDZ that, if you’re good enough, you can jump from platform to platform all the way to the top and there is a small cave with a human skeleton in it. To this day I don’t think anyone has found its significance, just a

Just play monster hunter

Nothing excuses the threats and harassment the Ooblets developers have received. Nothing excuses the Ooblets developers’ needless provocation, either, and yet you continue to excuse it, and for what purpose?

If it were about convenience, I’d agree. But the reason I’m against the EGS is less about how it directly impacts me and more about how their business practices will shape the future of the industry.

No mention of this?

This is California, we don’t arrest famous people for stupid shit. Unless you’re Lori Laughlin, but that’s a federal deal. 

This. He knows how the game is played. Now if Twitch comes out and says “Nah bro, we done with you, bye.” that might change things. But they won’t because money.

Everyone, just do the world a favor and don’t make public marriage proposals anymore.

It is minimal because the logo is minimal.

You’re such a douche, Luke.

You’re free to hate it, but it’s totally minimal compared to some other controller monstrosities out there.

I don’t get your logic. The Xenoblade Switch controller is also very minimal with just a simple logo (X) on the face of the controller, but in my opinion, that controller is beautiful.

Personally, I dig it. Bland, minimalist... potato, tomato. And it’s objectively less bland than the standard Pro Controller at least. Not a huge Smash fan, but the logo looks alright in this context... maybe because it’s simple and doesn’t look much like a typical logo. A more logo-like logo would be much less

speak for yourself. This is a pro controller house, and itll go well with my Splatoon and Xenoblade Pro Controllers. Gamecube controller nerds can bring their own for smash.

Try that with slappers only.  Hahaha

Perfect Dark

Why? It’s pretty good. They get good guests, the cars are cool, and the episodes are relatively short.