
2 out of 3, there was nothing particularly revolutionary about Stardew Valley

I’m well aware, but the fact remains that they’d see less demand worldwide for MHW on Switch if they’d given the localization of XX to the rest of the world.

For me and my friends, The appeal of monster hunter is the grind and the reward for sticking to it while being able to play with 3 other friends. Working from the base equipment and working closer and closer to the top-tier weapons gives a rewarding feeling from the hours and hours of grinding large monsters that have

You realize the beta was dumbed down so that people who had never played the game could succeed right? Just like every other video game, the ai ramps up and the difficulty increases as you progress.

Hey, maybe if you’d localized MHXX there wouldn’t be so many complaints, Capcom.

Yep, that’d be why it’s “art imitates life.”

A lot of people didn’t know Blade was based off a comic book, just like a lot of people still act like Blade didn’t set this whole damn thing up. Billions of dollars later, and still neglected, even by people exalting how groundbreaking Black Panther is.

Blade spawned movies like Underworld...not more comic movies...and none were ever as good as Blade

“Some Muthafuggah’s Always Want To Ice Skate Uphill”

and black dude was on the council, too. He had a solid set of dredlocks.

Hey, there were some Asians around that table, too! Don’t leave us out of the shadow government!

I always thought Blade doesn’t get the credit it deserves because the movie isn’t very comic book-y and is more of a 90s action/horror movie. It doesn’t help the Blade is a minor comic character, though that fact actually helped get the movie made.

That’s a bending robot, not a skiing robot, silly!

I bet I can drink them under the table once we make it back to the lodge though!

“I can’t stop laughing... there are few things funnier than robots falling down.”

Eh, like any holiday, it’s just incentive to go out and spend money. Without them, the economy would collapse. So do your part in the helping the economy and buy your sweetie some damn chocolates! 😁

If you dont like it, you shouldnt feel bothered with that. I dont like it too but I appreciate the meaning of the day, it is a day to remember we should love instead of hate, if comercial or not, let it to ppl to decide.. you are free to chose.

We can romance whenever we gd please.

not so newsworthy when you find out this happens in fortnite twitch streams every day and also that people do the suicidal final kill for fun all the time.

“No, no, no, no. You cannot have both. I can watch what I say; I cannot watch what my community does. Are you fucking serious?”