
Disconnect Facebook. Nuke the servers. Same with twitter. We aren’t meant to exist like this.

Not sure why relevancy in 5 years matters when considering single player experiences, at all, but sure, why wouldn’t it be? Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, these are all relevant games today despite being as old they are and are still very much loved. Are they as played now as they were, and are they

PC and Switch please thanks bye

Honestly though, what the fuck did people think “Make America Great Again” meant? People talk about all the ways Trump is divisive, but the divisiveness is RIGHT THERE IN HIS FUCKING SLOGAN PLAIN AS DAY. He is clearly appealing to the desire of White Christians to live in a society that caters to their wants and

It sounds like the detective was a pedophile, and seized the opportunity to be a predatory pervert who felt he was protected by his station. The shocking thing is that nobody else stopped this whole thing before it got that far.

and then the lead, himself, is investigated for same. THAT is the kicker!

A man whose ego is more important than ethics, morals or country. Everyday I think it can’t get worse and everyday he proves me wrong.

When you said “high-profile voice of support” I thought you meant this.

himself. he’ll claim to be the gold medal winner in every event.

Pfft. Kim is too busy throwing barbs at our Giant Orange Troll.

You and I both know the closest thing to a tanking class in this game is a titan. Whether they want to acknowledge that with the actual words tanking main or not, it is what it is. Whether they believe in class synergies or not doesn’t even matter, because to their own behest, those class synergies exist already.

Because, by all rights, they should at least be the second slowest class, and being the tanking class, one could argue they should be the slowest class... and I’m a titan main.

If the school really wants to communicate that this behavior is unacceptable, they could start by kicking any player involved in the incident off the basketball team. That would be far more consequential than requiring an essay.

The switch gets a half pass (and it didn’t go sub 30 after the patch) because it’s really a handheld with a dock. I don’t consider it a home console.

Xenoblade 2 from the moment I get home tonight. I may stop for food, drink, and... other things. Or there’s always poopsocking it.

With most games being extensive downloads on consoles, I’m surprised-honestly-that people still game on these handicapped devices.

4k is just an empty exercise for people who like to jerk off to stat sheets.

And yet still, neither hold a candle to the PC.

rofl sub 30fps but hey! it’s 4k!

I’d like to use this opportunity to shit on NHL owners, but interrupting the middle of the season for the Olympics every four years really does suck and there aren’t really any ways to make it not. If they didn’t put basketball in the summer games, the NBA would be doing the same thing. But I’m a shitty American who