
I cannot type, I meant the PC game Dark and Light. Looks AMAZING in the trailers and their so called “game footage” but the moment you play the actual game even on a high end PC, it looks and runs like something you played on dreamcast, and not even a good game. 100x’s worse than Ark ever was (walk 20ft and lag the

I’ll take your word for it and try it out. Last Splinter cell i played was Chao’s Theory and I LOVED it especially the co-op. Actually just recently got it again for PC for like $2 on sale and been trying to get a friend to get it so we can do the co-op.

That game was epic back in the day in the arcades. That and Mortal Kombat Ultimate always had lines for challengers waiting to play.

you do keep them as far as I know. I let my account lapse by a month cause I have moved to PC, but was still able to play things I got from the Gold collection if I am remembering correctly. I renewed mine now so I can do cross play with my XB buds in State of Decay and F @ in Sea of Thieves. Hoping the new Halo gets

books and comics and Animated series. In the one animated series ( i forget the name) he tells all of this to Obi-wan around a camp fire just the 2 of them. Star wars is much bigger than just the movies and always has been. The Dark Empire series from the early 90's, had the emperor coming back to life in a new body.

I wondered about the difference too. I switched to PC over a year ago, and all my pc buds are the ones who are more upset over these issues. My Xbox friends only complain that they wish it looked better. I want to get the game on PC, but I need to see some actual improvement in performance. Too many game makers these

They need to listen to their player base period and I hope they do so. I always thought I would prefer PUBG over Fortnite (on PC) because I prefer more realistic warfare, but I have been waiting to actually hear their community say the game is good to go. A lot of my PC buds got the game mainly cause of the wonky,

Oh yeah same here. I am very glad the big N is all for it. I pretty much only game on PC and switch now, but really miss playing with my old xbox friends. I get to play state of decay, sea of thieves or ark with them but that’s about it. I just wish more games had crossplay, but that is to come more in the future.

The lawsuit had nothing to do with Battle royale as kotaku and others awhile ago reported. It was over things like the similarities of the bus drop in and PUBG’s plane drop in, and the storm eye. Technically, BR started before both these games. MW2 started one called “Last Man Standing”, and long before that we had

They were not suing based on the Battle Royale game type. They were trying to sue on similarities of the bus drop in and the storm eye. I think they realized Epic wasn’t backing down and if they really wanted to be dicks, Epic could pull their lisc. for using the Unreal Engine. But like the Author stated

I need to print this article and slide it under the company door next to our suite. There is this very odd, small, middle aged balding man that works there and I try to be polite and smile or say Morning,afternoon -w/e when I pass him in the halls, but he acts scared of me so I just chalk it up as maybe he has Asperger

Should make for a deeper experience into the Dying Light world. The first game was fantastic. It was the only game to rip me away from Dead Island, and the developers are AMAZING. The Following was great and made you feel like you were playing a sequel not just added DLC. Then years later, the devs continue to release

I’m the same way as long as it’s not a multiplayer game using servers such as something like Destiny or The Division (just examples I dont care for The Division). The way I look at Non-online based games is that I own it, and have all the time I want to play it. I have 300+hrs in BOTW and stepped away from about 3 mont

FC3 is the best by far. 4 was fun, but the story wasn’t as good IMO as 3 but I LOVED the gyro-choppers they added in 4. 5 is the only one I’ve passed on. FARRR to many bugs and glitches than I expect in a Far Cry game, and it just seems like Ubi didn’t even try to really make this one better than the previous titles.

lmao RIGHT. This pass reminds me of those crazy balls in the late 80's-early 90's that when you kicked them, they went in all kinds of crazy directions. 

Yeah, if you are playing RB or GH on expert, maybe you should pick up Rocksmith. Doesn’t that teach you to play using a real guitar? 

Oh yeah that would make sense, but seeing that Bethesda said they want to game shut down, I don’t see that happening.

I don’t think there will be building, but for PC gamers, this is coming in July and looks like a nice alternative.

Yeah, Bethesda is going to win this shit for sure. Weather they settle or w/e, Bethesda will have the high ground when it’s all said and done. Fact of the matter is Bethesda owns the rights to the code, end of story.

I don’t dislike the other actors, i just didn’t care for the Connor family in the series. The woman who plays darlene is a good actor. Im not big on the Big Bang though it’s my father’s fav show so when I chill with him a lot of times he’s watching it. I do have to say I really like the woman who plays Roseanne’s