
Yeah, if the next Halo is not play anywhere on PC, MS is shooting themselves in the foot. They clearly see how many people are currently playing Halo Online (eldorado) and freaked out. Yes they got the makers to stop production, but its already out there and the severs are peer to peer so it cannot be stopped. 2 weeks

yeah I’ve been following Biomutant. Looks pretty cool

That movie she was in stunk, and so did her acting, but the acting could be chalked up to bad directing. Even good actors can do horribly with crap direction cough cough Star Wars prequels lol. 

Never really cared for the family and the show, always thought she (rose....I mean Jabba the Nazi) was just white trash. But I will say Goodman is an amazing actor. I really liked him in the latest cloverfield movie, shit he was the only reason I watched the movie honestly.

yeah, it got it’s blades all chipped up on white trash. 

Someone just needs to come across this p.o.s. pig on a dark street one night and frag his ass. Next time he does some shit like this, it will probably cost someone their life.

Oh you mean Bill Cosby? I think he is going to be busy for awhile. I’m sorry you said sedate and I got side tracked.

I’m not crazy about it either, though I will say it is well made. All my old Halo buds play it now (on XB) while I moved to PC. I’ll play a few games with them here and there, but it’s not a game that excites me to play. I’ve had my eye on this for PC. Basically looks like a more realistic Fortnite. I kinda hope they

Yeah. I stopped going to gamestop when they wanted to only give me about 1/2 of the reward points I was due after dropping @ $600 in one stop on my switch and games for it. I called their main number and they just said they would put the points on my account and never did. So I just said fuck’em, and get all non steam

He is truly my favorite comic after I first saw him. Loved everything about his demeanor and delivery of his material. My favorite has to be the time him and his buddy ate acid and went into the woods. “Mitch, Let me tell you. Smokey the bear is way more intense in person, in fact.. he’s an asshole.

Yeah PC always gets over looked. This def looks cool, and Tripwire does some good work. I’m a big Killing Floor fan so I will def have to check this out.

We are certainly NOT the richest country. Currently, we are 12th in the world, but yes we do have the resources to help these people and many others. It’s disgusting and saddening to see what kind of shit our government does and has done. Though my wife and I have done everything by the book (she is originally from

This is the kind of asshole who not only gets away with beating a woman almost to death, but one day will go bat shit crazy due to head trauma (courtesy of the NFL) and go on a shooting spree. This is the kind of person who shouldn’t even be allowed to have a fucking pocket knife. But he’s an NFL/NBA star so he just

I am totally F’n sold on that idea.

Yeah Burst was alright, but I’ve heard great things about 20XX from steam friends. Can’t wait for this so I picked up both the collections on Switch.

You cannot deny PS does have some good exclusives, and usually gets the cooler exclusives consoles.

I thought the same thing the moment I saw this.

Don’t forget about the recent surge of kids tricking people into buying them V-bucks and posting it on youtube lol

Yeah they make plenty of money off of the game from kids and people buying the V-bucks (in game currency), and from people buying and supporting the actual game Save the World. The Battle Royale was just something free they released to keep their player base busy while they worked on Save the World. They never

Yeah, you cannot tell me Epic didn’t know of this ahead of time and at least tell people when they officially announced it.