
I’ve done the same. When Nintendo released the Wii U, I turned back to 360/XB1. Now over a little more than a year ago I switched over fully to PC, but kept my XB account cause I knew they were doing the play anywhere in the future, and I got the XB game pass to play certain things with friends on XB I abandoned lol.

I have my account on 3 different platforms, why would epic exclude Playstation if Sony didn’t lay out some stipulations? Not arguing, I’m just in the dark with this.

Yeah, it’s a weird situation. Since I created my Epic account on PC, I have no problems playing on any platform even when I go to my bud’s house and he has a ps4, and I’ll hop on while he’s doing Dad stuff or w/e. idk why people are having this issue, it just makes me think Sony has some stipulations regarding

I get being excited for the win and breaking their curse, but jesus caps, you are professional players show some class and not destroy your city lol. 1st team to ever get banned by their own city. All that aside, live it up Ovi, cause in a few months, you are going to find out what it’s like the be defending champs,

Yeah, Sony not playing nice is one thing, but not being able to load your profile is BS. I’d be pissed too.

The thing that cracks me up and I was even telling a friend last night. Almost any 3DS game that has online multiplayer, has built in voice chat, THE 3DS, so WTF Nintendo. Twitch already said they are chomping at the bit waiting for Nintendo to let them make a voice chat app just for switch, which would help with what

That’s a Playstation problem not Nintendo or Fortnite. Sony wants to be isolated dicks and not get involved with crossplatform other than PC, that is their mistake. I have a lot of issues on PC trying to join a PS4 buddy, but if I try to join friends on Xbox, no sweat.

Interesting question, I do not see why not since a pro controller and joy con connect the same way. I could never use one joycon as the controller, my sausage link fingers do not allow it lol.

I skipped taken king cause of that price tag. I remember paying $15-20 for each of the dlc’s I had on D1.

They look like kids. Well Claire looks like she just had her sweet 16, and Leon looks like he’s 19. This isn’t something that would stop me from buying a remade version of one of my favorite games of all time, but it does annoy me when I see their faces and I see children, not the bad ass Claire and Leon we know and

I will admit I keep my wii hooked up cause 1.My Wife loves Wii Sports, and 2. Wii has RUINED me forever on Resident Evil 4. I have that game on GC, Wii, XB1, and PC, but I still cannot bring myself to play it on anything but the wii. The aiming in that game with the wiimote was so great and pin point, and just feels

That’s when I walk out of work and straight to the nearest game store lol

I have to say this might be what actually gets me back into the AC world. It all just seems so much like the same game just different time period to me after I played 1-3, and I lost all interest in the series.

I’m def going to give this a shot. I liked Fallout, only really played the OG games and Fallout 3. But I wasn’t never crazy about them, mostly cause I didn’t like the stopping of action for things. Maybe I’m the minority, but I preferred games like Stalker with much faster and deadlier combat. I will say this will get

I felt the same about the 1st Division and ended up playing WildLands instead. Hoping the sequel is going to be better. I had some fun on the first, but hoping the new one is more enjoyable to me.

Insert sad face because you are all right. I LOVED D1 flaws and all. But what bungie has been doing with 2, and now the new expansions are $80 instead of $30, or $14.99 a piece like they were with D1 and $30 for the first D2 expansion I’ve tapped out. The gun play in Destiny is something I LOVE, but they really

Hellblade is truly a master piece and could of only been done imo by a small. intimate dev team/studio. Such an amazing game.

This is what I’m hoping for. Most crossover/playanywhere with PC.

MS needs to stretch more into the market of PC with their playanywhere. The only game that has me turning on my xbox is MH World and that will change when the PC release comes, and I’ve put too much $$ into an amazing PC to buy another Xbox that cannot perform nearly as good or fast as my pc which will last much

Sure hope they make Halo play anywhere or MS just going to keep watching more people playing Halo Online (Eldorado) than their current console halo (Last week over 9,000 people on eldorado - Less than 3000 on Halo 5) wake up MS you’re missing out on a lot of cash. Eldorado is fun and all, but I want a damned new Halo