
Aside what I think of the game, yeah I didn’t experience any of this in Conan. I played and backed the game during EA, then came back after the 1st big update adding new areas and such then at launch. Still not very good. The melee combat is so ugly and clunky I feel like Im playing an N64 title.

I would not mind co-op on the new ES, but god please no multi. That’s what I got ESO for.

Yeah, Im pretty blown away. At first I didnt like the sound of the new Fallout, but I have to say it looks interesting and Id give it a try. But I am DYING now for Elder Scrolls 6. I knew it was coming, a co worker of mine who has done voice work for Skyrim and Fallout 4 was called back quite some time ago and she

I wouldn’t say epidemic, but I do see this is at least 1 out of 3 matches weather be on my team or the other. Between that, and the babies who quit the 1st time they get killed, it’s hard to actually play and enjoy a full match.

Really annoyed to see they took away things like Mute’s deploy-able shield I use all the time for a stupid bullet proof camera I will almost never use. They also claimed they would fix matchmaking problems like getting put into already full groups, or getting the same game type 10 times in a row on terrorist hunt,


Sry, won’t let me edit, I meant to say most my caps friends are good sports

YUP. There are the crappy ones who are just Aholes or front runners. Most my friends are caps fans are even though usually the Pens kill their dreams, they still have respect of Crosby and Malkin. The majority of hockey fans love their teams to death, but also respect talent, and give respect when it’s due.. Being a

Pens fan here. Glad to see Ovi get the cup. I always said how it would be a damned crime if Ovi, one of the greatest to play the game, ended up as another Ken Griffey Jr., or Barry Sanders, or Dan Marino. He deserves to bask in the glory of lord stanley. Good year caps, now you have to defend the cup, let’s see how

This shit was hilarious. God we need more chappelle and mos def in times like these.

Same here. I look though the store a bit esp at upcoming indie games. I have found a few gems in the past that were totally worth backing weather in kickstarter or just EA gameplay to help with bug finding. I’ve seen many garbage titles that are clearly cash grabs, or games just for your anime perv who like looking at

They have been hearing a lot of flack lately from people getting the Summerset update,(in steam) and steam having some authorization problem with the ESO launcher. Nothing on Bethesda’s end, all on steams. At least that’s what I have seen in the latest ESO/Summerset Steam reviews popping up often now.

Thank you for pointing him out, didn’t see him the 1st watch through. He def got a kick out of that.

yep. About a year ago or so I made the full switch to PC. my 3 monitors spoil me and you are so right about the multitasking. Many times when waiting for friends I find myself firing up Ableton and working on music till they are ready. I still play my switch here and there, but the PC took control of my gaming. Too

He came back once he remembered how bad his movies did.

I got Deep Rock Galactic on Steam and I have to say it’s pretty good especially for an EA game. If you are into games like L4D2, Vermintide, and like funny dwarfs, this game is for you and I believe it has play anywhere.

Javier’s awesome. GO CUBS.

I agree. Far Cry 3 was the last one where I felt I needed to recommend the game. 4 was ok, but 3 imo was amazing. I never got to try primal but I’ll probably pick it up one day on sale, but this whole Vietnam dlc just seems stupid and out of place. I skipped 5 cause honestly it looks like cookie cutter garbage with

Yeah. If it were $40 for both the new updates ok, cause that is how bungie basically have done it all along. So for all the new content (though the 1st 2 together were only $30) you want $70, sorry bungie, that is where you lost me. I might spend $30 to see if they actually did what they claim and I got a satisfying