
lol no, The Ghostbusters remake was just bad from start to end.

Actors who do their own stunts make a huge difference. I.E. John Wick, Keanu trained his ass off with top special forces and tactical teams to be able to do the shit he was doing, instead of having a specialist or stunt double come in, which shows his devotion to what he is doing. I don’t care much for Cruise, but the

Judging by how bad that boy and girl are at acting in the trailer, I would think they looked at how much money was left and thought, who can we afford with this. I doubt Cusack will be the worst performance in this, but it all just looks pretty bad.

YUP, That is why there is Metal and things like spikes, and the HUGE dino gateways to use as walls. May take some grinding to make, but pays off in the end. Once you learn the force fields though none of it matters.

Fuck that. You wanna commit crimes with the big boys, you gotta sleep with them when you get caught. Leave his ass in gen.pop. and make sure others know who whooped his ass. Kidnapping and grand theft auto, you deserve what waits.

Hasn’t Lebron learned that he’s gotta do everything himself? But for real, I feel so bad for Lebron. Arguably the greatest to play the game, and stuck carrying the shittiest team ever.

Thank you. All these people saying she should be fired. I’m sorry, she is not allowed to have an opinion? Fat ass Bar’s comments are borderline hate crime so that jabba the hutt looking white trash got what she deserved. And let’s be honest, it’s not like Sam was wrong. And it was a woman calling another woman a cunt,

Nah, he doesn’t deserve a chance at survival. He didn’t give this guy a chance, and his reactions afterwards leads me to believe he did this on purpose. The ONLY thing this piece of shit deserves is a .45 to the face so he cannot have an open casket funeral.

Her fat ass couldn’t squeeze into half of the cars anyways


At least that’s how they did it for the years it was in EA. Haven’t played in quite sometime, just got boring after so long.

In Ark, you could host your own for free by playing single player,but others can only play on it when you are on and invite them. You could purchase your own from a server provider and then lay down your own mods and change rules. Change things like taming times, ability points gained from leveling, etc..

I have to agree. This shit stain to society needs to be taken away from the public. Should just be drug behind a shed and go the way of ol’yeller but that’s just my opinion. He still clearly shows no remorse for taking a life and toss his closed minded racial hate on top, he should be charged for murder.  

I have the actual steam link unit purchased from valve. It’s not so great. I have really good internet speed, everything hardwired to steam link so no wifi, but it still has a great deal of lag and FPS drops when playing defeating the purpose of why I game on PC (the graphics). It’s pretty bad too with fast action

That’s what I would think if my wife was pregnant and someone said she was ripe as in ready to pop. I don’t want to believe any of this. Morgan was one of my few true hopes of decent people in Hollywood.

The only way MS will do great at E3 is if they have some serious titles to announce and if they make Halo 6 play anywhere. More people are playing Halo Online (Eldorado) on pc than halo 5 on XB. Microsoft is missing out on a huge market by not putting halo on PC and eldorado proved that. Now it’s out there and MS can

Yup I hear ya. I only revived mine to play Monster Hunter World, and I was left with the feeling, This should look so much better. But I didn’t want to wait till summer for the PC release. Now Xbox has the gamepass, which just makes me not ever want to go back to XB cause the games I want to play are play anywhere

Yes thank you, she is no voice of working class people or white people at all (didn’t know any race had 1 single person who spoke for them). And the headline the author put to this, dude you are just as bad as Roseanne to lump an entire race of people into a single category because a piece of racist white trash

At least Tim didn’t lose his show cause of his hidden racial hated that got spewed out. His show just sucked as bad as his acting. Only thing he has done worth a shit was Toy Story, and still was back seat to Tom Hanks. Fuck them both and both their stupid shows.

Shit that wasn’t a joke, that was her spewing racial hatred from her heart out her mouth. I have a pretty twisted and dark sense of humor. but that shit is no joke, just hate. Glad that dumb bitch got cancelled.