
The movie “Encino Man” was based on his story.

Holy shit that was hard to watch the first time. I like the ambiguity towards the end of the scene, where even after delivering such a vicious beating the crew looks on pensively as the brothers are buried. Regrets? Or relief that it wasn’t them?


Jesus H. Christ. You guys invited this freaking guy to your event at the beginning of this year to do stand-up, and now you’re throwing snark about Maher having a nobody on his show?

So which one of them is Satan in disguise? And who drops the toast on the floor?

Life is unfair.

That’s stupid. Butt chugging is clearly the way God intended people to consume alcohol.

Thanks for reminding me of Devil, the movie that informed us you can tell when Satan is near if you drop your toast and it lands butter-side down.

I’m looking forward to the episode where he learns to do the growly voice as Alfred grimly nods in approval.

I guess they’re following the Smallville “it’s still an origin story even though he’s going to fight crime for five seasons, but they didn’t use his superhero name yet so it doesn’t count” rule.


I’m definitely checking it out, but I feel like Death Note loses a lot when compressed down into a 100 minute movie. In the anime Light was always kind of a creep but his descent into narcissism and megalomania took longer.

I really like football and I still can’t stand Madden. It’s so needlessly obtuse and I don’t like spending $60 every year for minimal updates to justify a roster update.

I feel like sorting by newest/oldest/most stars should be a fairly easy thing to implement, but then again I know nothing about how Kinja works.

I don’t think it does. I found an old trick in a Lifehacker article that used to work to sort by newest/oldest (via an addition to the end of the URL) but apparently it doesn’t work anymore.

it's not like javascript is easy to implement or anything.

it's not like javascript is easy to implement or anything.

Is there seriously no way to sort by newest first? You have to continue to load new comments a thousand times?

Is there seriously no way to sort by newest first? You have to continue to load new comments a thousand times?

Did they? Well, shit. Still would like all those comments, though.