
rickety-ass Rube Goldberg bullshit”

It was in the pilot, Barry runs after the thief during the Wells speech and has to get rescued by Eddie Thawne. This was a nice little “here’s what you didn’t see” scene.

I loved the little moment where Fake Wells knows exactly who DeVoe was, and offers up a smirk and a “good luck” that evidently he didn’t pick up on.

The Steve Jobs Killer has struck again!

Luckily this freed him up to do The Master of Disguise. It swept the Oscars that year, I recall?

Don’t get too excited. They weren’t in the water at the same time.

I’m almost interested in this because the acting talent involved has no business being in a movie of this caliber.

Poor bastard.

Their owner keeps insisting that he’s not plotting to move them to London, against all evidence to the contrary. But I would assume that a fan of the league in general would gravitate to the Cowboys (probably not, I can’t see a Brit being impressed with their whole schtick) or Patriots (maybe, though their image has

TIL that Daniel Radcliffe is a rabid American football fan. He very conspicuously did not identify his favorite team, though.

If somebody told me I looked like Casey Jones I would be crying tears of joy.

Dan Murrell and Roth Cornet’s weekly box office wrap up is the best thing about that channel. I always had a feeling Andy Signore was a creep.

I agree, but it still seems strange that they are effectively editing their history to make it seem like a top level performer (who main evented PPVs, was a World Champion and won the Royal Rumble) never existed.

Pretty much. It’s a real shame, she did a ton for women in the wrestling world and should be in the Hall of Fame by now, but she and Triple H dated so she’s being kept out. They tried justifying it by saying that she did porn, but to make the point again, WWE has excused a ton of awful behavior as long as the

They’re only trotting out the Warrior Award every year because he was back in their good graces before he died. Funny how they don’t ever mention “The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior” anymore.

What a great character actor. It’s not a great movie but his performance in Confidence with Ed Burns was very good, as a sad sack who sees his chance to get ahead.

They filmed an alternate take of the season 6 finale where Jeffery Dean Morgan said “fuck” something like a hundred times (more in line with the comics apparently), and it didn’t really work. I know, it’s shocking that comic book dialogue doesn’t work in real life.

Needs more tiger blood.

That’s a fair point. I’m sure the guy is wiping his tears with hundred dollar bills. Still I don’t quite get the vitriol. He’s a lame rapper who cares about things. Are people mad that he’s white and made money off being lame and caring about things?

“Fuck that Macklemore guy for being socially responsible! Where does this guy get off caring about things and then making an awkward attempt at expressing it?!”