
Did they? Well, shit. Still would like all those comments, though.

For real. They made a big deal of our upvotes and comments coming over with us, and my account is blank.

For real. They made a big deal of our upvotes and comments coming over with us, and my account is blank.

Yuck. I might step away for a couple of hours until they figure shit out over there. I posted twice and can't find the fucking things.

Yuck. I might step away for a couple of hours until they figure shit out over there. I posted twice and can't find the fucking things.

Yuck. I might step away for a couple of hours until they figure shit out over there. I posted twice and can't find the fucking things.

The interface looks like it ate my comment, though I can still see it on my dashboard. Can we not sort by newest/oldest anymore?

Big ups to Mark Bowen for making this somewhat usable.

Oh. Shit. I forgot to carry the "y".

You've taken over somebody else's body and are now free to live his life.

Two minutes.

You mean "ay-uhhh"?

Leonard Pierce, all is forgiven.

To be fair I think the heyday of the comments was the site's peak as a source of pop culture commentary and in-depth analysis. AV Club were in the weeds financially for a long time before stumbling upon a winning formula, pandering to the left and inflaming the right with a string of hot takes and reposted content and

One last bit of prose from Ben Wyatt Fanfiction would be nice too.

It can come off as clique-y. Though I understand that they're tried to get better about that lately.

I forget who it was but somebody the other day mentioned that AVC comments used to be made up of people throwing around jokes and having interesting conversations. At some point people started to use them as their therapy group and began to throw their weight around.

For Your Consideration: The Doctor Told Me I Wouldn't Have So Many Nosebleeds If I Kept My Finger Out of There

So how many of y'all are giving Kinja a shot tomorrow? If claiming your username is a shitshow I can't imagine many people would bother.

He pushed a boot into very wet mud.